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A Traveler begins with 4 dots to be spent on Modi. Every dot can purchase one dot of Modus inherent in the Traveler or two dots of Modus within the Crux. You must spend one of these points on the Zeitgeist-assigned Modus and one on any Modus in the Crux. Your dots in any inherent Modus cannot exceed your dots in your Zeitgeist Modus. You cannot buy dots of your Zeitgeist Modus in your Crux.

You receive one Modus from your Zeitgeist and one from your Outpost. You may also purchase dots in a third Modus which is not affiliated with either a Zeitgeist or a Crux. A starting character cannot purchase Disruption Modus.

you can have a number of Modii activated equal to your Inertia; for every Modus above that, roll one die. A success deals a point of damage to your crux and causes a Disjunction check. So, if you're Inertia is 2 and you have two Modii up, activating a third one causes you to roll one die. If you then activate a fourth one, you must roll 2 dice, because you have 2 more than your Inertia running.

Entropy Modus: Allows the traveler to see the effects of entropy on physical objects, and to speed up the process. Adds a bonus of your dots in the Modus to attacks that damage objects.

Surge Modus: Allows the traveler to slow themselves down in the Stream, making the world around them appear to move in slow motion. Add modus dots to Initiative score, and multiply the traveler's Movement by (Modus dots +1). In addition, the traveler's dots in this Modus act as armor against firearms attacks of which the traveler is aware and actively attempting to dodge.

Anachronism Modus: Attunes the traveler to the spirit of the times. Adds a bonus of your dots in the Modus to disguising oneself or others, or to other physical deceptions, to blend in to the time period. In this state, one may spend 1 Aion to disguise any object as another object from the time period (a traveler's clothes counts as one object for these purposes.

Cognition Modus: The traveler opens her mind to the collective unconscious of whatever time period she's in. Adds a bonus of your Modus dots to purely information-based mental rolls to understand the current time period; for example, fact-finding or analyzing objects. In addition, once per scene, the traveler may attempt to pull a fact directly from the Stream, rolling only her dots in this Modus.

Stability Modus: Protects a traveler from the ravages of the Stream. Allows use of a dice pool of Stability + Inertia to rein in temporal paradoxes and damages and to rolls to resist forgetting changes made to the timeline.

Disruption Modus: Attunes the traveler to disturbances in the Stream. Anankes and Travelers, as well as phenomena within the Stream, appear as obvious to the travelers perceptions.

Continuum Modus: Reverses a traveler's interaction with the Space/Time continuum. When jumping, every dot in the Modus becomes five miles she may teleport, co-temporally (i.e., within the current time period). While this Modus is active, temporal jumps become impossible.

Linkage Modus: Aion appears as streams of glowing smoke to the traveler. Allows a roll of Linkage + Inertia to infuse an object with Aion, tying it to a time period and allowing it to resist being affected by temporal phenomena, with a dice pool equal to Modus dots. Additionally, a traveler may add her dots in this Modus to the size of objects she may bring with her on a jump. Finally, travelers may jump together with a number of other travelers equal to the highest Linkage Modus in the group, pooling their Aion to make greater jumps.

Horology Modus: Allows its user one die per Modus dot to identifying temporal phenomena as physical phenomena. Also allows the user to see Aion as physical accretions.

Liberation Modus: Provides a penalty of one die per Modus dot to all actions made to affect or notice the user by non-supernaturals.

Redaction Modus: Provides a bonus of one die per Modus dot to retain changes made to past events.

Clockwork Modus: Provides a bonus of one die per Modus dot to resist Disjunction and damage to the Crux.

Reversion Modus: Allows the user to see the past of an object- up to 50 years per Modus dot. This provides bonuses to mending wounds and repairing damages as well.

Signal Modus: Provides one bonus die per Modus dot to track objects and people, and allows one to see the unique signals created by living minds and differentiate between them (humans, Travelers, mages, etc.) with a roll of Wits + Signal.