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Political Map of Adren


Official Name: Adren

Capital: Alistar

Major Cities: Terelia, Loriel, Nëalma, Malryn's Outpost

Political Districts (Baronies): Riverwood, Leafhome, Alistar, Tropics of Laorith, Malryn's Maze

Official Language(s): Quenya

Government: Monarchy

Date Founded: Zirconian 8th, 5 CY


Founded in 5 CY when the elves and humans of Sarteri came northward and joined with the elves and humans they found in southeastern Ashkar. Prior to that, the region had been largely chaotic, with little remnants of any political structures that may have been present from ancient times.

It was decided at that time that an absolute ruler was necessary to maintain the peace. The elves of the nation formed the House of Elders, which served as a temporary governing body. These officials - all elven - determined one of their number to be the King of Adren. His name was Salarin Telendil, and his descendents yet rule the nation, who also for a time ruled the Empire of Ashk. At the time of its founding, Adren consisted only of the regions now known as Riverwood, Leafhome, Alistar, and what is now the Coldlands Territory.

In 13 CY, the elves determined that more space was required for their growing human population. Several explorers were sent to the southwest, to explore the Vorima Jungle; these explorers were Laorith and Malryn. Laorith died in a combat against goblins in the jungle, while Malryn continued his expedition and reached the Amber Mounts. He set up an outpost on the shore of the ocean there, and sailed back to Alistar, triumphant. Adren claimed those lands as their own, and named them after those who had ventured there.

Two years after that, in 15 CY, the Adrenians required more land; it was determined that more hospitable terrain was required for agricultural purposes. Knowing that they could not attack the Iscali Theocracy, as the fey had a history with the elves from the Woodland League, they sought to conquer the whole of the nation of Dralin. In a few short months, the elves easily overtook the poorly-defended nation, and the Empire of Ashk was formed.

When the Empire dissolved in 394 CY, Adren was smaller than it had been in 13 CY, having also lost the Coldlands Territory. However, the elven (and human) people remain strong, and still retain their imperialistic attitude.

Political Structure[edit]

Adren is ruled by a King, who is the eldest son of the existing King when he chooses to step down or dies. Adren was ruled by an Emperor during the time of the Empire of Ashk, but that title has since been removed by the House of Elders, who advise the King.

Elves are the only race allowed to hold significant political office in Adren; it is believed that humans, the other primary race, are too short-lived to affect any positive changes. As such, humans and any race whose lifespan is shorter than the time it takes an elf to reach adulthood is limited to local offices.

Each Barony in Adren is ruled by a Baron or Baroness, who inherited that title when the first Telendil designated their leaders. The families of those who were once Barons in what have since become other nations are somewhat disgraced, but are allowed to continue serving Adren in the House of Elders.

The House of Elders itself consisted of the heads of each elven family when it was first formed, and each member that dies or chooses to step down is replaced by the next eldest son of any elven families yet part of the House of Elders. No humans are allowed to serve in the House, nor are other races - it is distinctly an elven institution. The House of Elders advises the King, but beyond that has little national political power. The House is also allowed to advise the Barons, though there the House may overrule decisions made by each Baron.


First and foremost, technology is outlawed in Adren. Humans and other short-lived races have more intense restrictions placed on what they can and cannot do, as the elves fear younger races and their short-sightedness; as with government, these restrictions apply to any race whose lifespan does not exceed the amount of time it takes for an elf to reach adulthood.

Many extreme crimes result in death for the transgressor if they are a member of a short-lived race; elves feel that, if they are making such dangerous transgressions, they will not live long enough to learn to not do such things and should simply be put to death. For long-lived races, there is merely an extensive imprisonment, as elves believe that these races can see that their ways are wrong and will eventually be able to overcome their shortcomings.

Fishing for sport is expressly forbidden.

Traveling into or out of Adren can be extremely difficult, as part of the process is to ensure that any who would enter Adren are not impatient and therefore shortsighted. Attempting to travel out of Adren can raise suspicions about political loyalty, and thus most who would leave permanently are interrogated; incorrect answers can result in death, even for an elf. Those who are simply moving through Adren are given papers of transport, which are good only for one trip through. Such papers are rather expensive, as the elves have no desire for outsiders to unduly influence their populace.


Education in Adren is long and extensive; formal schooling exists but requires roughly forty years to complete, meaning that most short-lived races never get an education. As most occupations require some amount of elven formal education, this leaves the vast majority of humans and other races to do the nation's dirty-work: for instance, the vast majority of fishermen in Adren are human. Adren also has several academies for magic-users, one in Alistar and one in each Barony capital; these schools take fifty years to complete, but its students are well-versed in the ways of magic.

Foreigners who wish to join the magic academies must pay much more exorbitant fees and must swear an oath never to raise their magic against the sovereign nation of Adren. The elves are cautious with their teaching, and have no interest in training those with whom they may one day wage war.