Truth and Justice the Nightside John Samuel's

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Character sheets[edit]

Josephine "Oh Joy" Klasen, Wayfinder[edit]

Motivation: "I think I've found a Way home...and this last job, that's how I get there!"

Qualities: Good [+4] Innocent Sweetheart, Good [+2] Hiker, Good [+4] Archeology Major, Poor [-2] Sense of Direction

Background and Origin: Josephine "Oh Joy" Klasen is an average college student living in Cardiff. She has trouble finding her way around her own house, let alone the town. Her Father, on the other hand, has an amazing sense of direction. Combining his hobbit of hiking and his profession of archeology, Joy's Father dedicated his life to find forgotten passages once used by our ancestors. His career was cut short when he went missing in one of his hiking trips, and Joy's Mother fell into deep depression. Determined to find out what happened to her Father, Joy visited the same mountains despite her mother's objections. She found a Way in the spot where her father went missing, a Way that connects all the Ways in the world and beyond. When she asked for a Way to her Father, it brought her to the hidden heart of London, the Nightside...

Powers: Master [+6] Wayfinding (Limitation: Dangerous) Joy always finds a Way. Always. Be it a hidden passage behind the bookshelf, a short cut to the train station or the safe route through a sophisticated security system, Joy always knows which Way to take. But her power goes beyond that - she can find metaphysical Ways toward past, future, mind, and quite possibly anything and everything. Such Gift isn't without its risk, however. When she uses her power to get around in the (relatively) real world, she leaves a unique psychometric signature that can easily be tracked by Magical or Scientific means. But the real danger lies in treading the metaphysical Ways that exists beyond our reality - these paths not taken are far from uninhabited, and indeed some of them are major passages for Powers and Being far more powerful than any deities on the Street of Gods. Walking in head first can easily get Joy killed, pregnant, or worse.