Turner, Alicia PL9

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Turner, Alicia

Alternate Identity: none Group Affiliation: IO First Appearance: WildC.A.T.S #1??? Power Level: 9 (135pp)

Str: 10 (+0), Dex: 14 (+2), Con: 15 (+2), Int: 18 (+4), Wis: 18 (+4), Cha: 16 (+3) Total: 31pp

Base Attack Bonus: 5 Melee: +5 Ranged: +7/+9 (mental blast) Total: 15pp

Base Defense Bonus: 8 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +11 Initiative: +2

Cost: 16

SAVES Damage: +4, Fort: +2, Ref: +2, Will: +4


  • TELEPATHY +8 [extra: mental blast +4 ; extra: mental protection +4, power stunt: true sight, power stunt: psychic awereness; cost: 32pp; source: mutation, training?]

Total: 32pp

Feats: Dodge, Point blank Shot, Talented (computers and biotech), Toughness Cost: 8pp

Skills: computers +9, demolition +5, diplomacy +5, disable device +7, knowledge (SPBs) +6, Medicine +9, profession (agent) +9, science (biotech)+ 11, search +7, sense motive +6 Total: 31 pp

Grand total: 135pp