Two-Face PL7

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TWO-FACE PL: 7, Scarred Crime Lord, Name: Harvy Dent, Male, Size: Medium; INIT: +2, DEF 20/17; SPEED 30; MELEE +7(Punch +1 S, ), RANGED +9(Tommy Gun +5 L, ), MENTAL +5, SV: DMG +7, FORT +5, REF +2, WILL +3; STR 12, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 16, WIS 8, CHA 16.

SKILLS: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +10, Gather Info +11, Hide +5, Innuendo* +14, Intimidate +16, Law +9, Listen +2, Move Silent +5, Prfession: Lawyer +5, Search +6, Sense Motive +8, Sleight/Hand* +4, Spot +2, Taunt +13.

FEATS: Attack Focus ( +1 attack (unarmed, weapon, etc)), Dodge (+1 def, or +2 def to one opponent), Heroic Surge (extra 1/2 action once per day/4 pls), Infamy (+3 cha if infamy is a benefit, -3 if not), Expertise ((- attack), (+ def), 5 max), Minions (mooks to do your bidding), Point Blank Shot (+1 to hit/dmg ranged attacks in 30 ft), Rapid Shot (extra ranged attack @ -2), Multishot (multifire penalty -2, autofire -4), Toughness (+2 to damage saves), Iron Will (+2 will saves).

POWERS: SUPER CHARISMA [+5], Extra: Intimidating Presence [+5], AMAZING SAVE (DAMAGE) [+2], Extra: Fortitude [+2], Extra: Will, THOMPSON SUB MACHINE GUN [+5], Weapon (Ranged) [+5], Extra: Multifire, Flaws: Magazine 30.

WEAK: Disturbing ( -5 bluff / diplomacy), Quirk (Relies on Random Chance).

COST: abilities 22, combat 32, skills 23, feats 22, powers 26, weakness -20, total 105.