Tylorva - Arch-Militant - Henna Ma'Kin

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Henna Ma'Kin - Arch-Militant

Henna is a PC in the Rogue Trader Campaign On To Glory


  • WS 45 BS 50 S 49 T 37 Agi 43 Int 32 Per 31 WP 33 Fel 43

Lifepaths: Hive World, Stubjack, Criminal, Press-Ganged, Fortune, Arch-Militant.

  • Wounds: 11
  • Fate Points: 4


  • Awareness
  • Command
  • Common Lore (Imperium)
  • Common Lore (War)
  • Dodge
  • Forbidden Lore (Pirates)
  • Intimidate
  • Literacy
  • Medicae
  • Scholastic Lore (Tactics)
  • Secret Tongue (Military)
  • Secret Tongue (Rogue Trader)
  • Speak Language (Low Gothic, Hive Cant)
  • Tech-Use (Untrained Basic)

Talents &c:

  • Basic Weapon Uni.
  • Pistol Weapon Uni.
  • Melee Weapon Uni.
  • Thrown Weapon Uni.
  • Ambidextrous
  • Guardian
  • Quick Draw
  • Enemy (Inquisition)
  • Peer (Underworld)


  • 2 Bolt Pistols
  • Good-Quality Mono-Sword
  • Micro-bead
  • Void Suit
  • Enforcer Light Carapace
  • Medikit
  • Arms Coffer
  • Power Sword (acquisition)
  • Stormtrooper Carapace Armour (acquisition)


  • WS + 5 (250)
  • BS + 10 (350)
  • S + 5 (100)
  • T + 5 (250)
  • Ag + 5 (100)
  • Awareness (100)
  • Forbidden Lore (Pirates) (100)
  • Literacy (100)
  • Medicae (200)
  • Secret Tongue (Rogue Trader) (100)
  • Ambidextrous (200)
  • Guardian (500)
  • Total XP Spent: 2350
  • XP Saved: 150


  • Demeanour?: Very self-confident, pretty disrespectful of everything. Very easy-going. Thinks the whole universe exists to amuse her. Exception is when there might be Inquisition people about - she's absolutely bloody terrified of them. Frequently sits in the captain's chair, mostly because it annoys him.
  • Why is she here?: Because nobody dares tell her to leave. And attempts to throw her off the ship generally result in the hapless crewmen assigned to the task going out the airlock instead.
  • Why go to the Koronus Expanse?: Treasure. But mostly because there's probably not many Inquisitors there.
  • What will you sacrifice?: Everyone else. They're expendable. Except maybe the Captain. He's kinda necessary for her to remain on the ship.
  • Ambition?: To avoid capture by the Inquisition. Other than than, lots of profit is good. Perhaps ruling her own planet and having oiled naked slaves feeding her grapes all day. That would be nice. Becoming Emperor one day sounds like fun as well.
  • Hatreds?: The masses of Imperial citizens who are like sheep. She has nothing but contempt for them.
  • Fears?: The Inquisition. Insects. She screams like a girl when there are bugs around. She'd probably have a SERIOUSLY BIG problem with tyranids too if she ever sees one.


Hailing from a hive world, Henna has the wile and cunning of most hivers. Fiercely ambitious, she never fancied joining the rank millions of citizens toiling away in the various manufactorums, and instead carved her own destiny joining various criminal gangs. After getting into trouble with the authorities, she looked for a speedy way off world and joined a mercenary group. There she excelled, getting to chill with (and probably get off with at least once) the likes of Darrius Ysarille.

After Darrius was yoinked out of the group by his family, Henna continued with the group, raising to a position of command and leading her squads into ever more heretical endeavours - dealing with aliens, doing favours for them for cash and tech - it was all good. Of course this did eventually attract the attention of the wrong people, and Henna eventually found herself on the run from the Inquisition.

After a couple of very rough years as a fugitive, darting from one place to the next, always looking behind her, trying desperately to not get caught or turned in, Henna heard a snippet of info on the grapevine - her old friend Darrius now had his own ship. And so one day she just turned up on board. Darrius found her slouched in his command throne, her feet on the console. She's been impossible to shift since then. Fortunately for him, she seems happy to return the favour and seems quite keen to make sure he doesn't die. Perhaps it is because she cares, or perhaps it is because she'd then be out of a job and forced back onto the run...

Hive World -> Stubjack -> Criminal (Wanted Fugitive*) -> Press-Ganged -> Fortune

Enemy (Arbites) swapped for Enemy (Inquisition). Cos the Inquisition are cooler. And make a worse enemy.