Tyrion Fatalis
- WS = 31
- BS = 39
- S = 22
- T = 33
- Ag = 33
- Int = 47
- Per = 31
- WP = 58
- Fel = 33
- Wounds - 11
- Fate Points - 2
- Corruption Points - 3
- Awareness +10
- Dodge
- Forbidden Lore (Psykers)
- Invocation +10
- Literacy
- Medicae
- Psyiscience +10
- Quick Draw
- Scholastic Lore (Occult, Legend, Chymistry)
- Speak Language (Ship Dialect, Low Gothic)
- Tech Use +10
- Trade (Merchant)
- Melee Weapon (Primitive)
- Pistol Weapon (Las)
- Psy Rating 1
- Meditation
- Psy Rating 2
- Blind Fighting
- Psy Rating 3
- Charmed On a roll of 9 when spending a fate point it can be kept
- Ill-omened -5 to Fel tests with non-void born
- Shipwise (Navigation (Stellar), Pilot (Spacecraft) are basic skills
- Sanctioned Psyker (70) Irradience, no hair anywhere on body
- Description - Skeletel, 1.75m/55kg, 24 years old, Fair skin, blond hair and grey eyes. Disturbingly Long Fingers
- Divination - Truth is Subjective (+3 Int, 3 CP) (roll)
Minor Psychic Powers[edit]
- Minor Powers
- Chameleon
- White Noise
- Unnatural Aim
- Wall Walk
- Forget Me
- Spasm
- Staunch Bleeding
- Dull Pain
- Suggestion (DotDG)
- Endure Flames (DotDG)
- Distort Vision
Divination Powers[edit]
- Glimpse
- Divine Shot
- Dowsing
- Precognative Dodge
- Wealth: 63 Thrones
- Stub Revolver
- Staff
- Sollex “Steel Burner” Pattern Laspistol,
- 6 Overcharge Packs Combi-tool (200),
- Cameoline Cloak (500),
- Pict-Recorder (100)
- Psy Focus
- Quilted Vest
- Cameoline Cloak
- Book of Saints
- 3 Regular Packs of Las ammo
XP Spent 3250[edit]
Awareness (100), Scholastic Lore (Occult) (100), Meditation (100), Quick Draw (100), Int +10 (200), WP +15(850), Forbidden Lore (Psykers) (100), Psy Rating 2 (200), Awareness +10 (100), Dodge (100), Scholastic Lore (Legend) (100), Tech Use (100), Blind Fighting (100), Tech Use +10 (100), Psyniscience +10 (100), Medicae (100), Psy Rating 3 (200), Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) (100), Invocation +10 (100), Psy Rating 4 (200), Forbidden Lore (Mutants) (100)
For ten centuries Tyrions family has laboured aboard the black ships of the Inquisition, for ten centuries the family was free of the psychic taint. All that changed upon the birth of Tyrion, his father married an outsider to the Forges of Anointing aboard the Glorious Wroth, a woman from Weapons Array 351. Tyrion was born half blind and half dead, a pale and twisted thing, immediately taken by the Custodes of the vessel, raised upon the ship upon which he was sanctioned, outcast from his family.
Unsurpisingly he has a tendency towards skulking, towards sliding through the shadows of the world and watching others from outside. Despite much concern over his appearance and behaviour his Sanctioning took place on [redacted] and he left the skies of Holy Terra a full Psyker in the Emperors service. He was immediately shipped to the Calixis sector, far from the routes of the Glorious Wroth and directly into the service of the Inquisition where his skills in the shadows have so far been a valuable asset.
Tyrion is fascinated by people, he takes an avid interest in his companions even if it doesnt work as he'd expect such an interest to do so. People find him just a little off putting. Even so, underneath the vampiric appearance is a capable Acolyte who'll happily obey orders as long as he can see the motive behind them or the authority backing them.