There is no standard of currency in Ubantu - the idea of centrally minted coins never caught on. The most basic problem is the enduring idea that wealth comes in the form of livestock. The word for "wealthy", meaning having lots of cattle and being secure, is unrelated to "rich", having lots of currency. "Rich" is false security - gold does not produce milk and blood to feed you, and should there be hunger, no one will trade a cow for metal.
The most common means of exchange involves rings, called hishi, made from various metals. Gold, copper, silver and iron rings are used. Open bracelets, called nila, are also used. Various kinds of beads are also popular. Beautiful ceramic trade beads are the most common and least valuable. Beyond those, there are 25 types of magical beads which can be used in the construction of enchanted beadwork. Various gemstones are also made into beads. Malachite disks are used, as are amber, garnet, ruby, sapphire, tanzanite, tourmaline and tanzasun beads. Cowrie shells, which come in variety of patterns and sizes, are also common. An entirely separate form of currency occurs in the form of magically useful animal products. Elephant ivory is utterly taboo, of course, and all the more valuable for it. Hippopotamus ivory, giant warthog teeth, the saberteeth of morou-nguou and rhino horns are all used. Rhino horns are used to make a recreational aphrodesiac and are generally in the form of 5mm thin disks with central holes. The pits of the heavenfig are also used, as chewing them has the same effect as a ritual purification. Conducting any type of trade and not getting skinned involves the Money Appraisal M/A skill.
1cow = 10 goats = 300 baskets of grain; 3 goats = 1 ox
if gold is $350/oz and silver is $35/oz and copper is $2.5/oz and iron is $.50/oz
goldcow is 2oz gold worth $750, a silvergoat is 2oz silver worth $75, a copperbushel is 2oz worth $5
so 5 hishi/2oz ergo copper hishi = $1, silver hishi = $15, gold hishi = $150
(1 oz iron = $1 , 2 oz iron = $2 = 5 iron hishi ergo one iron hishi = $.40)
change to one iron hishi = $.01, five hishi = $.05
if one goat = $75 = 500 cowry, one cowry = $.15
common currency is cowries ($.15), iron hishi ($.01), copper hishi ($1), coppercoins ($5), and silver hishi ($15)
also mint copper chickens = $3.75
1 goat is 500 cowry, 1 cock 50 cowry, 1 fowl 25 cowry