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Recreational Drugs[edit]

As for recreational drugs, coffee and ethanol predominate (big surprise). There are many varieties of alcoholic beverages, mostly similar to beer. There is sorghum beer, banana beer, sugarcane beer, millet beer, coconut palm and honey wine, etc. Beer is served with every meal outside of breakfast. (NB - when referring to milk, "ferment" involves the production of yoghurt, etc, not alcohol) Brandies from Ukayeso, made from exotic fruits and spices, are expensive luxuries. Despite the ubiquity of alcohol use, public drunkness is heavily disapproved of, generating a -2 to any reation roll. Frequent drunkness quickly results in a -5pt Social Stigma, in addition to the possible disadvantage of Alcoholism. Not using coffee or beer are -1pt Quirks apiece. Using no form of recreational drug is a -5 disadvantage due to social isolation.

Distillation of grain alcohol via magic is known, but pure alcohol is mostly used in potions or as part of the alchemical process. Certain plant products, for instance, can be extracted into alcohol and then boiled down..

The fresh leaves of Catha edulis are chewed as a stimulent, the active drug being similar to amphetamine. When used medicinally it is mixed with coffee. 50% of the population of Eastern Ubantu chew khat at least once a week, the percentage being much higher in urban areas. Khat is mildly addictive. Users become loquacious and thus it is often used in social settings. It is also used as an aphrodesiac and for a variety of medical purposes. True abuse is rare, mainly due to the difficulting in ingesting large doses. Serious khat abuse (12+HT hours or more than two doses per day for 5+HT days) for results in anorexia, prolonged insomnia and the On the Edge disadvantage. Khat is cheap, mildly addictive and legal, a 0pt disadvantage. A dose gives +1 to Speed, the Chummy disadvange, +1 to Fast Talk rolls and instantly restores 1d Fatigue. Duration is 2 +1/2d hours, after which all gained fatigue plus 2 more is restored. For each dose taken after the first, duration is one hour less, minimum 30mins. If Fatigue goes below zero, all lost Fatigue translates into lost Hits. If Hits reach zero, the user has a heart attack, taking 3d damage and blacking out for 1d minutes. Withdrawal results in temporary Sleepiness and Depression (see Manic Depression) for 1--HT days, minimum one day. The folk cure for khat addiction is locking the addict in his home for a week, though a potion made from the rare and expensive ngoze (iboga) plant is more effective, often giving a permanent cure.

Wild dagga (which is not cannibas) flowers are commonly smoked as a euphoric relaxant. It is nonaddictive, cheap and legal (0pts). A dose gives the user -1 IQ, two levels of Fearlessness and the short attention span disadvantage and lasts for 1-2 hours. A concentrated form, dagga hash, is mildly addictive, mildly expensive, legal and incapacitating. (-15pt). Dagga hash has the additional effects -3 IQ and the Unfazeable advantage for the duration.

Rather than taverns, large cities in Ubantu feature ubangi, which are basically drug dens. Coffee, beers and other alcoholic beverages, khat and dagga are all served, in addition to more exotic drugs (Voacanga africana seeds, rhinocerous horn, kwashi, mamba venom, ad nauseum). Grain-based beers are made in house, with each ubangi having secret recipes. Ubangi-tenders always know the Sober spell, which is offered at a minimal cost. In better quality ubangi there are sorcerors with a variety of intoxicating spells. Illusionists and musicians also ply their trades therein, with generous results. To complete the iniquity, the owner will have slave prostitutes and private quarters.