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Medical Technology[edit]

The advancing wave of magicotechnology in central Ubantu has made some of its greatest advances in medicine. True, in the old days, it was believed that witchcraft was the cause of all diseases. In Kisasa, it is known that although witchcraft may be the origin of all disease, some of them propigate on their own. Hosts of tiny spirits, majikodi (germs), invade the body and breed and then spread to others, in a way heavily tied to climate. Religious purification will weaken them, but when they come back, and they always do, they are stronger than ever.

The first thing to do when you're sick is to get purified. Low fever and nausea are often the symptons of chafu, and mucus production may result from the consumption of something tainted or haramu. If you can't get to an Mtawa, chew a fignut. Immediately thereafter, test yourself with some Holy Salt - if the taste is bitter, the purification didn't work, meaning something more serious is wrong. At that point it would be wise to have a Mwaguzi contact your Msomolezi, who generally knows the details of your spiritual health.

If the purification works, but your symptoms return (purification almost always provides a reprieve the first time it's applied), you need Uganga. You may consult an Mganga, of any stripe, and have a healing spell cast, or buy an ushombwe from the Medicine Society. If one doesn't work, try the other. If neither works, you'd best promptly get to a Royal Hospital, where a team of Watawa (priests), Waguzi(mediums), Wauzizaji(nutritionists), Waganga(doctors) and Wafuasi(spec_ialists) can treat you. Royal Hospitals work on credit - if you don't pay, it comes back.