Umbral Domains: Changeling Arts Primal

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The Primal Art (revised)[edit]

There are a few aspects of the Primal art that have long bugged me a little. These are ideas for "fixing" those issues.

* Willow Whisper[edit]

Issue: As suggested by it's name this power requires the caster to whisper in order to work.

Alternative: The Willow Whisper cantrip need not necessarily involve an actual "whisper" on the part of the caster in order to work. In fact it need not be an actual verbal question at all, but should involve some social, occult, pseudo-scientific, or other form of inquiry. The inquiry it's self as well as the feedback should be moderately attention consuming such that a significant degree of distraction might detract from their usefulness.

** Eldrich Prime[edit]

Issue: The Eldrich Prime cantrip seems to imply that the Nature Realm is required for it to work. This seems to a needless extra expense for such a cantrip to have.

Alternative: Eldrich Prime requires a Realm associated with the place or thing that the element is manifesting on or in. So Nature might be used for creating elements in the sky or on the ground, Actor would help create them on a person, Prop might create them in a car, etc.

*** Oaken Shield[edit]

Issue: People and things are covered with oaken bark.

Alternative: This cantrip produces a coating with the hardness of oak bark, however the actual coating may be of any texture or color the caster wishes. Typically it should appear similar to a damage resistant material of some sort.

**** Heather Balm[edit]

Alternative/Clarification: While damage and injury may be healed, certain sorts of diseases and chronic conditions may not be totally "cured" by this treatment.

**** Holly Strike[edit]

Issue: Damage takes the form of jagged lacerations.

Alternative: Damage is always diffuse across large portions of the body but may take on any general appearance which damage might normally take.

***** Elder-Form[edit]


Issue: Elder-Form is pretty darn powerful. But still, it can be used on anything, or more to the point anyone, since the Realm normally just determines the form the person or thing is changed into.

Alternative: The caster instead has to have both the Realm for the target and the Realm for of the thing the target will be transformed into.


Issue: Elder-Form is always temporary. At least for inanimate objects I'd like to see it possibly work on a more permenant basis.

Alternative: This cantrip can be used to change any non-sentient thing into another non-sentient thing permenantly, but at a price. For permenance the caster must get 6 successes and spend an amount of temporary Glamour equal to the highest Realm level involved. The target then changes permenantly into something else, even when later subjected to the banality of mortal interaction.

--Peter K. 21:34, 10 June 2006 (PDT)