Undertaker PL8

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PL: 8; Init: +5; Defense:16/14; Atk: +8 Melee, +5 Ranged; SV Dmg:+8, Fort:+7, Ref:+6, Will:+3; Str:16(+3), Dex:12(+1), Con:14(+2), Int:18(+4), Wis: 16(+3), Cha: 8(-1).
SKILLS: Concentration +8, Knowledge (forensic medicine) +9, Medicine +9, Move silently +5, Science (biology) +7, (chemistry) +7, Search +6, Spot +6.
FEATS: Attack focus (scalpel), Dodge, Great fortitude, Improved initiative, Lightnig reflexes, Rapid strike, Toughness.
POWERS: Amazing Save (Damage+4, Refex+3, Fortitude+3); DISINTEGRATION +5 [Extras: continuous, disruption, restoration, regeneration, immunity (aging, desease, exhaustion, starvation, suffocation)]; WEAPON (scalpel) +4 [Extras: drain (dex), triggered].
WEAKNESSES: Vulnerable : against charms that work on undead.
POWER POINTS: Abilities: 24, Skills: 15, Combat: 20, Powers: 57, Feats: 14, Weakness -10, TOTAL POWER POINTS: 135.


William Barnet was a world renown forensic scientist who had cracked dozens of cases for the police in his career. It was then no surprise when his services were called upon to collect evidence against a leading figure in the underworld in a multiple murder investigation. One evening William found what he needed to crack the case while examining one of the bodies, all he needed to do was extract the DNA from the body and match it to that for the suspect. While the sample was being processed William went up stairs to report his findings and to let the detective in charge know that he was close to getting the evidence they needed. Unbeknownst to William the detective’s partner was on the pay roll of the suspect and in no time at all there were thugs on the way to ransack the morgue and destroy the evidence. While this was all happening William grabbed a sandwich and coffee from the canteen and headed back down to the morgue. The extraction process was well underway and William was half way through his second sandwich when four men burst into his lab. Moving quickly they grabbed William and tied him up. Then started to search for the evidence. After ten minutes with no luck, and getting more and more edgy because they were in the basement of a police station they decided the quickest way to find it would be to torture William. They carried the struggling scientist over to the dissection table and started to remove his fingers. By the third finger William was directing them to what they had come for. It was then the bent cop came in to see what was taking so long and was horrified that they hadn’t blind folded William and that a terrified William had just seen his face. There was no time for niceties the cop grabbed one of the scalpels and plunged it into William’s chest puncturing his heart. With the dead body the thugs opened the embalming tank and dumped the body in to it closing the lid behind them and made good their escape. Hours later the detective in charge of the murder case came down to get the DNA results only to find the morgue ransacked and William’s dead body floating in embalming fluid. William’s body was removed to another morgue for autopsy and the scalpel bagged as evidence. In the early hours of the following morning the police were called to the morgue Someone had taken William Barnet’s body all that was left at the scene was a pair of wet bear foot prints on the tiled floor. A week after William’s disappearance someone broke into the evidence locker at the station and stole the scalpel that had been used to kill William. The police put it down to some very sick murder souvenir hunter and closed the file. Over the next few months four bodies turned up all with the same M.O. All the bodies had been subjected to server decay all had died in agony and all had the look of terror on their faces. Then a cop turned up dead in exactly the same fashion but with this was a file containing all of the cops dirty dealings his connection with an underworld big name and a description of his part in the killing of William Barnet and links to the four previous bodies and that crime.

William Barnet Didn’t die that night somehow the embalming fluid fused with his DNA and reanimated him. After his death he left the morgue under his own steam after coming round. He broke into the police station and stole his scalpel as he sensed a connection to it. Then set about collecting evidence to link all the people involved in his death together. He then went hunting with the soul intention of reeking terrible revenge on his murderers. Now he has fulfilled his mission he prowls the streets helping those in need and righting terrible wrongs against the innocent.


The embalming fluid fused with William’s DNA somehow reanimating his dead body and granting him certain abilities. Just by touching something or someone he can make them/ it decay and turn to dust, he can also reverse this process. He can also regenerate wounds inflicted on him and is immune to aging, disease, exhaustion, starvation and suffocation. The fluid has also made him tougher and faster than a normal human.

He also has a connection to the scalpel used to kill him not only can it cut but each time he uses it on a living thing he can drains life essence from its victim through the blade.


As the undertaker William wears a Victorian undertakers outfit complete with black long coat, black trousers, black waist coat and white shirt. The costume is topped off with a black tall had with black ribbon rapped round it with the ends flowing down the back. Since his death William’s skin has taken on a pale green hue, his hair has gone white at the front and his eyes have turned pure white.