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In Search of Adventure Group Two:Home Page
- Character Name: Ureilon
- Class: Elf
- Level: 1
- XP/XP Needed: 0/4000
Ability Scores[edit]
- Strength: 16 (+2 to hit and damage)
- Intelligence: 13 (+1 skill/language)
- Wisdom: 9 (+0)
- Dexterity: 10 (+0 to initiative)
- Constitution: 15 (+1 hit point per level)
- Charisma: 11 (+0 reaction modifier; max 4 hirelings, hireling morale 7)
- AC: 5 (chain mail)
- HP: 7
- Base Attack: +1
- Weapon/Weapon Feat/Damage/Attack Bonus
- Halberd (B) 1d10+2 at +3 to attack
- Long Bow (B) 1d6 at +1 to attack
- Dagger (-) 1d2+2 at +3 to attack
Saving Throws[edit]
- Death Ray/Poison: 12
- Magic Wands: 13
- Paralysis/Petrify: 13
- Breath Weapon: 15
- Rod/Staff/Spell: 15
Class Abilities[edit]
- Heatvision
- Elfsight
- Ghoul Immunity
Spells Known[edit]
- Cantrips
- Read Magic
- Catfall
- Firefinger
- Knot
- Know Direction
- Mute
- Unseen Hand
- Weathertell
- Level 1
- Birdsong/Birdcall
- Detect Magic
Spells Prepared[edit]
- Cantrips (2/day)
- Mute
- Weathertell
- Level 1 (1/day)
- Detect Magic
- Arcane Lore (+1)
- Nature Lore (+1)
- Geography (+1)
- History (+1)
- Tracking (+1)
Weapon Feats
- Halberd (Basic proficiency)
- Long Bow (Basic proficiency)
Languages: Thyatian, Elven, Goblin
- Long Bow (60 cn)
- Quiver (5 cn)
- 20 arrows (10 cn)
- Halberd (150 cn)
- Dagger (10 cn)
- Chain Mail (400 cn)
- Clothing
- Belt (5 cn)
- Plain boots (10 cn)
- Long Cloak (15 cn)
- Peasant Clothes (20 cn)
- Waterskin (30 cn, 1 day capacity)
- Purse (2 cn, 50 cn capacity)
- Tinder Box (5 cn)
- Backpack (20 cn, holds 400 cn)
- Spellbook (25 cn)
- Sack (1 cn, 200 cn capacity)
- 1 week fresh rations (200 cn)
- Money: 5gp, 3sp, 0cp (purse)
- Total Encumbrance of Kit: 968 cn
- Move: 20'
Ureilon is a wandering wood elf of Clan Diamarak. He left his home long ago to live in the wilderness, hunting and fishing and gathering to survive while allowing himself to be guided by omens. He is tall, with long auburn hair and hazel-green eyes. Like many of his clan, Ureilon is skilled in the use of the long bow. He also carries his old halberd with him, a weapon whose use he learned long ago.