User:Andrensath/Exalted/Custom/Charms/Martial Arts Styles
Acts of the Maiden of Serenity[edit]
- Venus takes joy in performances. Her Chosen are frequently master singers, dancers, and musicians.
- This style is unarmed only, and may not be practised in armour.
- This style can be learned natively by those Chosen of Serenity using the Loom 2.0 charmset; however, as normal, they cannot create expansion charms for it.
Warrior's Waltz[edit]
- Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
- Keywords: Combo-OK
- Duration: Instant
- Prereqs: None
- The Actress is expert at dance. Spinning around the battlefield, she distracts her opponents into following the wrong parts of her body. This Charm supplements a flurry composed of unarmed martial arts attacks by doubling onslaught penalties to an opponent's DV.
Serene Sonata[edit]
- Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
- Keywords: Combo-OK
- Duration: Instant
- Prereqs: None
- The Actress knows when to engage in physical conflict, and when to remain aloof. She may activate this charm as a perfect defense against mental influence to engage in physical combat.
Maestro's March[edit]
- Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Combo-OK
- Duration: One Scene
- Prereqs: None
- The Stylist is skilled at playing of martial tunes, and inspires her allies to move faster. This charm allows her, and up to (Essence) allies, to add her Essence to their Move or Dash actions.
Acts of the Maiden of Serenity Form[edit]
- Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 3; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Form-type
- Duration: One Scene
- Prereqs: Warrior's Waltz, Serene Sonata, Maestro's March
- When forced into battle, a worshiper of Venus acts only to end it quickly. Activating this Charm, she decreases the speed of any subsequent actions by 1, to a minimum of Speed 3.
Cerulean Cadence[edit]
- Cost: 3m per attack; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 3; Type: Extra Action
- Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
- Duration: Instant
- Prereqs: Acts of the Maiden of Serenity Form
- The Stylist possesses an exquisite voice, and is trained to attack in time with her song. Activating this charm, she makes a magical flurry of up to her (MA+Essence)/2 attacks. These attacks are not capped by Rate, and do not suffer multiple action penalties.
Rhapsodic Riposte[edit]
- Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Steps 2 and 9)
- Keywords: Combo-OK, Counter-Attack
- Duration: Instant
- Prereqs: Cerulean Cadence
- The Actress creates scintillating music as she knocks aside her opponent's attack. This charm is a perfect parry, and carries a Flaw of Invulnerability. It also allows the stylist to make a counter-attack.
Deadly Duet[edit]
- Cost: 7m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 4; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
- Duration: One Scene
- Prereqs: Acts of the Maiden of Serenity Form
- The Stylist's very hands are deadly weapons. This Charm allows her unarmed attacks to deal Lethal damage.
Combative Choir[edit]
- Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
- Keywords: Combo-Basic
- Duration: Instant
- Prereqs: Deadly Duet
- Followers of Venus fight best with allies by their side. This Charm enhances the Coordinate Attack misc action, and allows the Martial Artist to coordinate up to (Essence)x2 allies without rolling.
Courageous Canticle[edit]
- Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
- Keywords: Combo-OK
- Duration: One Scene
- Prereqs: Acts of the Maiden of Serenity Form
- The Actress fears nothing when her allies are with her. She, and up to (Essence) allies of her choice, automatically pass any Valour checks they are called upon to make.
Venusian Virtuoso[edit]
- Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Supplemental
- Keywords: Combo-Basic, Emotion, Social
- Duration: Instant
- Prereqs: Courageous Canticle
- Priestesses of Venus easily inspire positive emotions in those around them. Venusian Virtuoso enhances a roll to inspire any of the following set of Intimacies to the user: Love, Loyalty, Trust. This Charm doubles the Stylist's successes on the roll before comparing them to the target's MDV.
Harmonious Harping[edit]
- Cost: m; Mins: Martial Arts , Essence ; Type:
- Keywords:
- Duration:
- Prereqs: Combative Choir, Rhapsodic Riposte, Venusian Virtuoso
- Text.
Glorious Blade[edit]
The martial artist understands that sometimes, what is needed is not subtlety or gentleness, but the knowledge of the largest and sharpest of weapons. Utilising this understanding, she takes up the study of the heaviest of swords. This Style treats attacks with Great Swords, and their artifact equivalent, the Grand Daiklaves, as unarmed. All forms of armour are compatible with this Style.
Rhythm-Breaking Brutality[edit]
- Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
- Keywords: Combo-Basic
- Duration: Instant
- Prereqs: None
- One brutal blow can disrupt the flow of an enemy's attacks. This Charm supplements an attack that is not part of a flurry. If the opponent uses his Parry DV or a perfect parry, reduce the Rate of the weapon he used to parry by the number of base successes rolled on this attack, with a cap of your Essence, and to a minimum rate of 1. This reduced rate lasts until the end of the target's next action.
Immense Weapon Deflection[edit]
- Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
- Keywords: Combo-OK
- Duration: Instant
- Prereqs: None
- The martial artist can use the great size of his weapon of choice to tremendous effect. If he successfully parries an attack, he automatically successfully parries a number of additional attacks in the same flurry or onslaught equal to the Rate of his weapon, so long as he is capable of blocking the attacks at all.
Swordmaster's Imperious Grasp[edit]
- Cost: 7m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
- Keywords: Counterattack
- Duration: Instant
- Prereqs: None
- Even unarmed, a master of the great blades cannot be defeated by fools who would use their weapon of choice against them. When attacked with a form weapon of this Style while his hands are empty, he may make a counterattack. If this counterattack has any successes, he may make an opposed Strength roll, with a number of automatic successes equal to his permanent Essence (and his opponent receiving bonus dice equal to the accuracy of his weapon). If the martial artist wins this opposed roll, he disarms his opponent and now has the weapon in hand. By committing the Essence of this Charm AND an additional amount equal to the commitment cost of the weapon, he may act as if he is attuned to it for the remainder of the scene. The martial artist may explicitly employ this charm while wearing fighting gauntlets or smashfists.
Glorious Blade Form[edit]
- Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 4; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Form
- Duration: One Scene
- Prereqs: Rhythm-Breaking Brutality, Immense Weapon Deflection, Swordmaster's Imperious Grasp
- The student of the Glorious Blade is highly accurate with her chosen weapons. While this Charm is active, she reduces multiple action penalties on attacks with form weapons by 4. This does not stack with any benefits from Extra Action Charms.
Furious Sword Mudra[edit]
- Cost: 1m per attack; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
- Keywords: Combo-OK
- Duration: Instant
- Prereqs: Glorious Blade Form
- In time, the martial artist comes to understand that anger is a powerful tool in the hands of those who know how to wield it. When she flurries, she doubles the onslaught penalty to her opponents' DV for each attack she enhances with this charm.
Battlefury Attack Prana[edit]
- Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
- Keywords: Combo-OK
- Duration: Instant
- Prereqs: Furious Sword Mudra
- The martial artist is mistress of her rage. She channels it into her attacks. This Charm increases the damage dealt by a successful attack by three dice prior to soak.
Effortless Onslaught[edit]
- Cost: 3m per -1; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
- Keywords: Stackable, Combo-OK, Obvious
- Duration: Instant
- Prereqs: Glorious Blade Form
- The Glorious Blade Stylist attacks quickly and without effort. To mortal onlookers, she appears to move as the wind. Every 3 motes spent on this Charm allows the Glorious Blade Stylist to reduce the Speed of an attack utilising a form weapon by 1, to a minimum of Speed 3.
Blade Like Lightning Kata[edit]
- Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Combo-OK, Extra Action
- Duration: Instant
- Prereqs: Effortless Onslaught
- The martial artist attacks like lightning. When she activates this Charm, she makes (Rate)*3 attacks.
Sword As Feather Meditation[edit]
- Cost: -- ; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Permanent
- Keywords:
- Duration: N/A
- Prereqs: Glorious Blade Form
- To the martial artist, even the heaviest of swords are as light as a feather. The student of the Glorious Blade can spend an extra 4 motes when activating Glorious Blade Form to increase the Accuracy of all form weapons by 1.
Fame of the Honourable Blademaster[edit]
- Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Compulsion
- Duration: Scene
- Prereqs: Glorious Blade Form
- The Fame of the Blademaster is such that dishonourable opponents fear to face him. Those who have committed evil deeds cower in his presence. Anyone attacking the Blademaster suffers the Blademaster's Essence in internal penalties. This costs 1wp to ignore.
Infinite Understanding of the Glorious Blade (Pinnacle)[edit]
- Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Obvious
- Duration: One Scene
- Prereqs: Battlefury Attack Prana, Blade Like Lightning Kata, Sword As Feather Meditation, Fame of the Honourable Blademaster
- The master of the Glorious Blade can make many attacks at a speed which would leave any mere mortal dazzled. While this Charm is active, she increases the rate of any weapon she uses by 2.
- Cost: m; Mins: Martial Arts , Essence ; Type:
- Keywords:
- Duration:
- Prereqs:
- Text.