Valgo the Ley Line Walker

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Valgo- Ley Line Walker (5/5) Agility- d6 Smarts- d12 Spirit- d6 Strength- d4 Vigor- d4

Skills: (15/15) Athletics- d4 Common Knowledge (Smarts)- d4 Notice(Smarts)- d8 Persuasion (Spirit)- d4 Stealth (ag)- d6 Occult(Smarts): d10 Fighting (Ag)- d4 Shooting (Ag)- d6 Spellcasting(Smarts)- d12 Survival (smarts)- d4 Thievery(Ag)- d4 Dragonese- d4 Research (smarts)- d4

Pace: 6 Parry: 2+ 1/2 fighting Toughness: 2 + ½ Vigor+ Armor PPE:20

Rolls: Magic & Mysticism- 2 (Soul Drain Edge), 16 (Channeling Edge) Powers: Blast Boost/Lower Trait Disguise Dispel Summon Ally Bolt

Hindrances: Secret (MAjor)- was involved in a theft of an artifact that had wide-ranging consequences Suspicious (Minor) Loyal(Minor) Advances- Smarts to d12, Spellcasting to d12 and occult to d10

Edges: Novice-New Powers(bolt, invisibility) Channeling Soul Drain Master of Magic Power Points Rapid Recharge

Abilities: Arcane Academic Arcane Background (Magic) Expanded Awareness Ley Line Magic Mastery Ley Line Rejuvenation Ley Line Sense Ley Line Transmission Ley Line Walking

Complications: Cybernetic Disconnected : -1 Persuasion in Social Situations not dealing with occult Enemies: Coalition/ True Federation Power activators: Gesture, Peech

Gear: Ley line walker light armor NG-S2 Survival Pack NG-33 Laser Pistol or Wilk’s 320 “Classic” Lasser Pistol, 2 E-clips 1,100 Universal Credits, 2500 credits gear or vailuables