Valgo the Ley Line Walker
Valgo- Ley Line Walker (5/5) Agility- d6 Smarts- d12 Spirit- d6 Strength- d4 Vigor- d4
Skills: (15/15) Athletics- d4 Common Knowledge (Smarts)- d4 Notice(Smarts)- d8 Persuasion (Spirit)- d4 Stealth (ag)- d6 Occult(Smarts): d10 Fighting (Ag)- d4 Shooting (Ag)- d6 Spellcasting(Smarts)- d12 Survival (smarts)- d4 Thievery(Ag)- d4 Dragonese- d4 Research (smarts)- d4
Pace: 6 Parry: 2+ 1/2 fighting Toughness: 2 + ½ Vigor+ Armor PPE:20
Rolls: Magic & Mysticism- 2 (Soul Drain Edge), 16 (Channeling Edge) Powers: Blast Boost/Lower Trait Disguise Dispel Summon Ally Bolt
Hindrances: Secret (MAjor)- was involved in a theft of an artifact that had wide-ranging consequences Suspicious (Minor) Loyal(Minor) Advances- Smarts to d12, Spellcasting to d12 and occult to d10
Edges: Novice-New Powers(bolt, invisibility) Channeling Soul Drain Master of Magic Power Points Rapid Recharge
Arcane Academic
Arcane Background (Magic)
Expanded Awareness
Ley Line Magic Mastery
Ley Line Rejuvenation
Ley Line Sense
Ley Line Transmission
Ley Line Walking
Complications: Cybernetic Disconnected : -1 Persuasion in Social Situations not dealing with occult Enemies: Coalition/ True Federation Power activators: Gesture, Peech
Gear: Ley line walker light armor NG-S2 Survival Pack NG-33 Laser Pistol or Wilk’s 320 “Classic” Lasser Pistol, 2 E-clips 1,100 Universal Credits, 2500 credits gear or vailuables