Vampire court of seasons

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Our Chronicle is set in Grimmsby, a lesser domain of the greater Avalon domain ruled by the God King Mithras in his year 1232.

Grimmsby is ruled by the Court of Seasons.

Currently, Baron of Grimmsby is the Grimm Lord of Winter.




  • Havelok


  • Tom wrinkle


  • Soren the White lady
  • Rose Briar the Red Lady
  • Maid Red The Hood

new Merits and flaws


Liliths Locks 3 to 5 pt Merit<the 5 pt version of this costs 7pts if you have repunzils vanity> your hair takes on the apperance of silk, or metal such as spun copper or silver or gold. or any other supernaturaly viable substance giving a -2 to all apperance related rolls. at 5 the hair actuly takes on the properties of this substance and using crafts a resources 1 worth of material can be produced weekly by harvesting the hair nightly. number of nights a week is based on type of substance. apperance bonus is reduced to -1 when the hair is shorn short.


Repunzils Vanity 4pts flaw your hair grows thick and healthy even in unlife growing a half inch a month. if you cut it, it will restore itself at the rait of 1 foot a night. costing an additional BP to rise each night till healed. when cut the ends bleed and it is painful. the hair if normal, decays when severed as per its age.

briar mane 4pt flaw, your hair is replaced by foliage, leaves vines thorns flowers sap and all. the hair must be fed an additional blood point nightly or it withers and dies. dispite being a flaw this curse has certian benifical side effects such as many of the nosferatu flaws. can only be taken by a lihianna or those with a supernatural plant connection.