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PL: 8 (120 pp)

ABILITIES: STR: 10 (0) DEX: 14 (+2) CON: 10 (0) INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 12 (+1) CHA: 22 (+6/+1)

SKILLS: Acrobatics 4 (+6), Bluff 4 (+10), Concentration 4 (+5), Diplomacy 4 (+10), Disguise (+6), Drive (+2), Escape Artist (+2), Gather Info 4 (+10), Handle Animal (+6), Intimidate (+6), Popular Culture 4 (+5), Notice 4 (+5), Dance 8 (+14), Singing 8 (+14), Profession 4 (+5), Search (+1), Sense Motive 4 (+5), Stealth (+2), Survival (+1)

FEATS: Inspire (), Quick Change (2), Attractive (3), Connected, Benefit (5), Taunt, Equipment (10), Minions (10)

POWERS: *Emotion Control [10], Extras: Area: Burst, Continuous, , Flaw: One Emotion (Love), , *Comprehend: Languages (total universal) [3]

Vangloria's powers deserve a bit of explination. She psychically projects an incredibly desirable image, and has a subliminal telepathic connection to almost everyone she sees. She can't really speak every language in the universe. She just speaks English and her audience hears it in their own languages (and vice-versa)

COMBAT: Attack 4 [Unarmed +0 (Bruise)] Defense 15 (12 flat-footed) Init 2

SAVES: Toughness 0 (0 flat-footed) Fortitude 4 Reflex 4 Will 5

Abilities 10 + Skills 13 (52 ranks) + Feats 33 + Powers 36 + Combat 18 + Saves 10 – Drawbacks 0 = 120 / 120