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Intermediate Deity

Symbol: Jeweled Wine Jug

Alignment: Neutral Good

Portfolio: Celebrations, healing, rest, rebirth

Worshipers: Ritemasters, vacationers, healers and healees

Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG

Domains: Community, Good, Healing

Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff


Few gods are as well loved as Vashar, Goddess of Joy and Recuperation. From her humble beginnings as the divine overseer of weddings, births and those recovering from wounds or disease, Vashar has become the catch-all goddess of good times and relaxation. In places where the people worship Vashar, almost all of life's celebrations begin with an invocation of her name and a joyful supplication for her blessing. As the supplication requires a toast with fine wine, worshipers are known to repeat their requests several times for good measure, often continuing until they either receive (or completely forget) what they asked for.

Vashar's clerics do not share her popularity. Getting hammered for the gods at the occasional wedding or feast is one thing, but clerics of Vashar worship her by staying on permanent vacation. As avatars of joy and rest, they are obliged to have fun, sleep in and generally take it easy at all times; Vashar asks little to nothing from her servants. Needless to say, recruitment quotas are not an issue for the church of Vashar. However, common people view Vashar's clerics as shiftless and overprivileged, despite the services they render to the community.

The church's income derives from its temples, which double as vacation spots. Wealthy merchants and nobles love to visit temples of Vashar from time to time to bask in the goddess's grace, jubilation and famous seafood buffets. While they are easygoing, Vashar's clerics are all dedicated to the cause of Good, and so bad things occasionally happen to bad people who vacation at the temples. Vashar's clerics are restricted from engaging in violence within the temple, but they are free to hire outsiders to enter and slay vacationing villains. On the rare occasion that an entire evil family or adventuring party goes on vacation together, the church strikes mercilessly through hired mercenaries, killing in the name of relaxation until the hot springs run red with blood.