Vek and Alvah have a personal talk
As the stars come out, Vek conjures a tankard and fills it with the local homebrewed Tequila. A hard strong drink. Passing it to Alvah she sees he has a tiny pattern raised, looking at the one in the grass. "It likes being under the stars.....It was in a cave for so long...."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alvah takes the tankard gratefully she crosses her legs and lowers herself on the ground. A small sip from the tequilla she looks at the pattern. She can't help but feel fondly towards it. "Yes i can full well imagine. It was a bad place where it was. A really bad place." She continues to look at the pattern following its lines with her eyes. "And how are you doing?"
Michael James Watson
"How am I doing? " He looks up as a blond simple looking man comes over, bringing a pot of stew. "Alvah, this is Dowser of Veksvale. My second for all purposes here. Hey, Dowser, i hat to say this but with these Amberites here you need an actual title. Lets call you Mayor of Veksvale. " Looking to Alvah, " He's a Avasa of Water, but native to this world. His family had a masoja of water in the blood line someplace." "Pleased to meet you." He sits and is quiet mostly. "How am I doing? Well, the shadow i go to when i want to get away is now a region of Amber with an army i didn't invite and a pattern i didn't suspect. Other then that, i'm doing great. How are you doing?"
Amber Bronkhorst
Looking up at Dowser she inclines her head to him. "Nice to meet you Mayor Dowser." She then turns her gaze up at Vek again. After hearing his words she looks down. "I know and again i am so sorry. Should have realized what happened. And i know how much you value your privacy and time alone." Her fingers start plucking on her bright coloured skirt she was still wearing since Zunala. "Is there anything i can do to fix this? Or at least make it up to you? " She sounds genuinely ashamed and sad.
Michael James Watson
He reaches over and takes her hand softly. "Is there anything you can do? Pattern Guard duty. 50 hours on, 125 hours off. The world is 30 to 1 to 9. so I will probably be staying her a couple years." He looks over the pattern, leaning back in his chair. "As for the privacy and dropping this on me, there is no way you could have know this would happen. I don't blame you for it. I blame it for it. But it didn't burn my legs off so that's a good thing. I think we will get along, it and I. How are you recovering from the whole thing? It must have been rough in Zunala?"
Amber Bronkhorst
When he takes her hand she quickly looks up slightly startled her nerves might still be a bit tense, but feeling it is a kind and soft touch she relaxes a bit more. A slight smile appears. "Well guard duty is the least i can do. So of course i'll stay then for guard duty. " She looks back at the pattern and nods. "I am sure you will, like is said by Arlo. It is basically just recovered or born so to say. And having been in that cave with all the pain and horror around. It is cautious. Perhaps for the next to walk we should first let the pattern know it is okey. " Realizing she still has her hand in Veks she blushes and pulls her hand back. Pulling her legs up tk her chest Alvah is silent to think about the question. "Zunala was as you could expect. Constant fear, tension, people willing to rat eachother out just to prevent the knife. Short moments of rejoice when your family is not picked. It is a false sense of joy. " She reaches her fingers out tonthw pattern not really touches. More sensing. "I am recovering fine. There is nothing to recover from really... the pattern healed me the moment we came here."
Michael James Watson
"Ok, lesson time then. Raise your pattern, a small one, fingertip sized, as if you were going to hold a pen." He shows his pattern nearly hidden in his palm. Once she has it up he goes on. "Now cast your psyche into it and look upon the pattern. IT wants to share with you. It likes you the best. But it senses I own this world and its safe here. So it likes me a lot." Looking into the pattern she has a sense of well being. It feels free then before. It seems to echo love of the stars and sky. "Random wants a castle around it. I get that. Defensive. But the idea of being enclosed again is a horror for it. Can you sense that?" She feel revulsion when she thinks of a cave. "I'm going to build a wall of native stone to surround it. Probably 4' tall. And a matching stone fort to the east, away from the village foir the Elites. But i'll leave it open to the sky. Random can bitch if he likes but its my realm. And yours too now it seems. The pattern will give you access past my trump guarding"
Amber Bronkhorst
Looking at the pattern the way Vek tells her to she nods slowly. "I see, and smart move. I can feel the revulsion from only the idea of being closed off again. " She smiles up at Vek "Don't know what the local flora is, but maybe having something alive near like plants growing the walls would be good. " She looks down again trying to fight the color in her face. "This is not my place, it will always remain yours. And if i am not here and wanting to return i would rather still ask you." She looks with the small pattern to the big one on the ground and speaks soft. "I am as much to blame of going here as the pattern is. It only took people and or places from my memory. Probably the few people.or places i felt safe enough. " She lets go of the raised pattern a soft chuckle escapes her. "As for Random... he gets hwat he wants protection here. You could have kept ot closed. I know Talgwir is completely closed off to basically anyone."
Michael James Watson
He puts his hand on her shoulder leaning in, "Lets compromise. Yes its my place, but you are welcome anytime. No need to call me, just come. I need someone i can talk to when the royals come a calling." He thinks for a minute. Then calls Dowser. "Dowser. Im going to build a wall, about 4' tall around this, say, 100 paces out from all edges of it. Right there, " he makes a glowing light ball over south east of the pattern, "I want a pool. We are on hard rock, can you bore down to the watertable there for me? Then tell Shalshal i want plants. Gooseberries, raspberries, ginger, aspragus, Highland aloe, some of the high rock agaves we make the tequila from.. Yes, I want a quarter of the surrounding area filled with the high mountain Agave tequilana. I will want some trees, the mountain Jacaranda mimosifolia like at ShalSahl's place. I'll arrange for a druid to mature the trees. That's a start" Looking to Alvah, "A quarter of the pattern blocked by spike agave plants sounds defensive huh? Random will think i've gone Mandalaian" Dowser asks, "You gonna yink the stone from shadow? The village is already shocked.. They want to help but the Amberites scare them. If you use native stone I can set them to scourign for rock. Most everything within a mile has been cleared of stone for the village but they will go further out, it'll take time but keep them busy." Vek nods, "do so. Tell them scour for stone as far as 4 miles out. I want every usable stone. I will yink mortar asn other defensive metals but the place needs a lot of native stone."
Amber Bronkhorst
When he leans in she looks up a soft smile. "Thank you, and when you need to talk i'll be here for you. We have joined custody over our pattern charge." She gives him a wink. Then hearing his idea and plans she smiles nodding agreeing. "That sounds lovely. I think this pattern deserves some rest and a nice place." Her hands go back at pluxking her skirt, twisting the fabric around her fingers. "Kind of ironic isn't it... i go there to get myself killed and come back with something new. Or well repaired. But i can appreciate the turn of events though. Even if another in Azcala will want me dead now. Xolotl was really proud of his work."
Michael James Watson
"He must have been obsessed. I can't imagine how he did it. It must have retched his soul hard. I suspect he is angry and probably broken. Something like this should have killed him. Losing it might have"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alvah nods slowly thoughtful, "Well Cihalas was there when he made it. He told me not much about it, just that i had to walk it. Thinking about it. He should have seen it comming. That this could have happened. And we should be so lucky this killed him. He sounded more enraged then dying in the last screams i heard from him." Letting out a deep breath she turns slightly looks up and touches his hand. "Thank you for not being angry, or hating me." Looking around she visibly relaxes a bit "It really is a lovely place. Beautiful. When the whole encampment is gone there and things are set up i'll look for a small place to stay. For my elemental friends Cicero and myself. Though for now i think i won't need a place to sleep, or sleep for that matter. " As she says the last part, a ripple of fear enters her voice.
Michael James Watson
"I was a hunter. Born and raised. I was taught to hunt as a child. To hunt, kill, clean and package. My chef-master didn't like waste. So we used everything. This world, downbelow, is an industrial world and its misfits sought solitude in the mountains. When i was shadow traveling i sought a unique place to hunt, and live, far from cities, and maybe among misfits from the civilized lands. I found this place before i found the gin joints and Jazz clubs and piano lounges I am known for. This is as much me as they are. When i arrived here it was solid forest to the edge. Look over the edge if you are ever feeling suicidal. 12,000 feet to the ocean. It would be like hitting rock. " "I cleared this place by hand. Cut the lumber. stacked it. Rarely used magic. Hard physical labor. I brought rocks to make the foundations for these halls. I knew of the grass roofed halls from a world near chaos. The attics are dark, a place for active mushroom growing. In time people came. we built places here. We built isolated homes and hamlets. There are 20,000 people within 40 miles of this place, all of whom owe allegiance, if not actual fealty, to me. They will know you." He reaches the hand she pulled away and holds it tight, looking hard into her eyes, "They will know you. They will see you with me. My hall has plenty of rooms for you to take as your own. But I hope in time, you will enjoy sleeping under the stars as much as I do. Maybe when I hunt you will come with me. IN the mean time, my hall has a fire for your elemental, a pool for your elemental, a rock foundation for your elemenat, and a breezyway for the mushrooms for your elemental. Paka sleeps on the roof if not beside me. You will be warm enough."
Amber Bronkhorst
Listening to Vek talk she smiles softly up at him, now and then looking around even with more appreciation knowing that he made this all by hand. When he talks about fealty she frowns slightly untill he takes her hand. She looks back at him wide eyed. First Alvah looks a bit shocked then a warm smile plays on her lips. The hand which holds her she presses against her cheek, while she keeps looking at Vek in a slightly broken voice she speaks "thank you. Thank you for everything. " She then leans back a bit her hand still in his. She looks hesitant. "Though, be warned, i am trouble. and more trouble then i know myself." She sits up on her knees on the ground to look at a better angle at Vek and with a serious face she looks at him. "People have been actively trying to kill me. and i say this not because i need help with it. But it can get messy what i've heard. I would not want to ruin more. I know i'm a walking distaster sometimes. But i'll try to keep it at a minimum. I really want to stay here...... with you. Altho we are staring at a new pattern in your shadow. I am happy i choose here. "
Michael James Watson
"So, you are warning me that you are trouble?!?!?! that you are trouble? My personal shadow is an army camp with Dame Margot setting up field kitchen and the King of Amber playing cards for rocks in the community hall and we sit by a pattern you brought here and all Azcala may invade to seize it and you and you warn me YOU are trouble? I've noticed. Give me your best shot; I can take it"
Amber Bronkhorst
Blinking a few times she then just starts to laugh. Truely laughing, maybe also from relief, tears rolling over her cheeks. "Well yeah.. wait till they send the death masoja.. though i don't think those can top this, brining a pattern here. An army of elites and the fiercest of them all indeed, Dame Margot." The last she says with an honest respect She darn well respects that woman. Wiping a few tears away she catches her breath. "Well, i don't take up a lot of space, so don't need much. Just room to dance now and then. But i prefer to do that outside anyway. And i'll keep reminding myself that Paka is not a cat." She plops back on the ground on her ass. And finally takes a few more sips from her tequilla to warm herself. "And warmth would be nice.. its freaking cold here." She grins up at Vek. . Michael James Watson
"Well, we have plenty of blankets and I only use half the bed. I was looking for a high mountain rich with wild game. That's what I have. The elevation is a bit high then I wanted but " He stands and waves, makes a hand sign to the kitchen tent for coffee and quickly Coatl comes out with a large pot of coffee. "Lady Alvah! So good to see you! Coffee! They make it in a huge heated barrel! So differant then home!"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alvah chuckles softly "Well yeah and Paka sleeps on the other half of the bed i'm sure and I would not dare to take his spot. But i'm sure we'll manage." She gives Vek a playful wink. Then seeing Coatl walk up Alvah stands up and gives her a hug. "It is so good to see you, and that you are doing so well here. How are the two kids? Are they getting used to the life there as well?"
Michael James Watson
"they are, miss. They are in the Page School learning to be messengers. The little lady is learning kitchen from Margot and the young lad training in staff and swords. He thinks he might join the military if he is allowed."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alvah looks genuinly happy. She releases Coalt again from the hug and wraps her own arms around her finally feeling the cold air a bit more now she is starting to get relaxed. "It is good to see you again, and great to hear the kids are doing well. happy they are getting a good chance in Amber." She then looks eagerly to the coffee and takes the mugs to be filled. Then handing one to Vek. If Dowser is still there she will offer him a mug as well.
Michael James Watson
Dowser declines. he only drinks water
Amber Bronkhorst
ALvah nods to Dowser and then just offers the coffee to Vek, and takes a mug herself and sits down again near the pattern and near Vek. "Thank you Coatl" She gives her a warm smile. Taking a long sip from the coffee letting it warm her she nods "To keep warm and awake." Looking over the pattern again Alvah is silent for a moment. "You really think Azcalans might want to take it back? I think not all knew it was there anyway, except my mother and Xolotl."
Michael James Watson
Vek says, "I think more then just Cihalas knes of the Sigil. I am sure all the royals did. Its the nature of things. But who knows for sure. It would be tricky to do." Coatl asks, "Dame Margot asks if you could come and make it clear who are the locals she needs to talk to. THer are several trying to help in the kitchens insisting they know how you like your deer cooked. One brought his family and they all brought about a dozen dressed deer and pigs. While Margot is happy for the local provender she is having trouble with the hierarchy here." Vek nods, "I'll be right there. You staying here or wandering?" he asks Alvah"
Amber Bronkhorst
"I"ll be staying here for a bit. Call me crazy but i do feel sort of responsible to keep an eye on the pattern. I have coffee so i wont freeze. " She smiles at Vek. "See you in a bit. Gives me time to put an order to everything that happened... today... wow.. it all happened today.. " She takes a long drink of coffee and then follows it with some tequila. She lets her elementals dance and play about around her. Enjoying their company.