Victoria Woods

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Investigator Name: Victoria Woods

Occupation: Antiquarian
Colleges, Degrees: Cambridge University
Birthplace: Cambridge
Mental Disorders:
Sex: f Age: 25

< < <
STR: 9 DEX: 17 INT: 17 Idea: 85
CON: 11 APP: 15 POW: 11 Luck: 55
SIZ: 11 SAN: 55 EDU: 19 Know: 95
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99 Damage Bonus: none
Hp: 11MP: 11Wealth: $20000

Accounting 10% Anthropology 1% Archaeology 1%
Art: Drawing 47% Astronomy 1% Bargain 55%
Biology 1% Chemistry 1% Climb 40%
Conceal 45% Credit Rating 15% Cthulhu Mythos 0%
Disguise 37% Dodge 34% Drive Auto 20%
Electrical Repair 10% Fast Talk 5% First Aid 30%
Geology 1% Handgun 20% Hide 10%
History 40% Jump 25% Law 5%
Library Use 35% Listen 25% Locksmith 26%
Machine Gun 15% Martial Arts 1% Mechanical Repair 20%
Medicine 5% Natural History 10% Navigate 10%
Occult 5% Operate Hvy. Machine 1% Other Language: Egyptian 60%
Other Language: French 60% Other Language: German 40% Own Language: English 95%
Persuade 15% Pharmacy 1% Photography 10%
Physics 1% Psychoanalysis 1% Psychology 5%
Ride 5% Rifle 25% Shotgun 30%
Sneak 40% Spot Hidden 80% Submachine Gun 15%
Swim 25% Throw 25% Track 10%
.303 Lee-Enfield* 40% .38 Revolver* 50% 12-gauge Shotgun (pump)* 50%
Fist/Punch 50% Head Butt 10% Kick 25%
Grapple 25% Blackjack 40% Sword Cane* 40%

Equipment Several pieces of luggage: Clothes for several days including evening and day clothes as well as underwear and sleepwear. Several sets of clothes suitable for rambling including one set that has seen better days. Several sets of shoes intended to match the clothes and two pair of walking shoes not too worn but obviously broken in. 2 x dressing gowns Several handbags to match shoes and one haversack. 1 Dressing case. 1 Leather driving coat. Several hats of the turban or cloche type and 2 cloth caps. Jewellery including 2 ladies watches one in silver and one in gold.1 picnic basket, traveller’s spirit stove and travellers medicine case. Ball of string, tin of tea and a packet of sweet biscuits, packet of savoury biscuits and some cheese.

Weapons 1x .303 Lee- Enfield 1x 12 gauge Shotgun 1x .38 webley revolver in purse 2x Parasol/Umbrellas with covers to match dresses contains sword. (female take on the sword cane.)

Chauffeur’s equipment supplied by Victoria 2 chauffeur’s uniforms including peaked cap 1 men’s suit 1pr men’s oxford shoes. 1 tool outfit Plus up to £10 of equipment needed to maintain vehicle.

Victoria Woods is an Antiquarian. She's the daughter of a university professor who had once played the great game in Egypt, her mother was a bluestocking and had herself been on the edges of the great game. Victoria was in Europe studying when war broke out. She stayed and collected information for the British on German movements, most of the time this meant keeping an ear open while serving tables. Occasionally she’d have to hide while taking notes of men and machines being moved through the countryside, sometimes she’d have to hide a courier moving through. It was never the exciting life of champagne and barbed wit the tabloids would have you believe. It was dodging unwelcome advances, of smiling at men when you’d rather be dumping the contents of their plates on their heads. When the war was over she started up her business but she’s found it hard to settle down. She’s spends her time looking for difficult to find items that often come with their own problems and dangers. Professor Ashbury is her godfather, he’s commissioned several pieces from her and she’s always stayed with him when her travels have taken her to Edinburgh.