Villain Academy Robin Angeleyes

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Small. Shy. And we're not 100% sure what gender this kid is.

Honestly, we could find out. I mean, Sol's a telepath, Hugo has X-ray vision, Castiel has spells, Lief could just do a DNA test... heck, Smiley could turn Robin's clothes into a pile of transparent chicken feathers, and I bet Baku could just explode them. Besides, we're picking dorm rooms. There's two wings. Robin has to pick one... although that isn't a perfect test, since Sol... well... is Sol.

But we don't know yet. But Robin's making friends with Smiley, and Hugo and Lief are looking at Robin as a potential roomie, depending on that chromosome set. So we may know eventually.

Update: Robin's rooming with Hugo and Lief, suggesting that there is at least some maleness, or perhaps a lack of femaleness, present.

And might even find out what this mysterious kid is doing here.

I think he/she is kind of a wild west super gunslinger. Because. His/Her last name.

...Unless, of course, he/she really has angel eyes. Whatever that is.

The angel eyes can apparently see through walls, making the Lief/Hugo/Robin suite very high in potential peeping toms.