Vinchan hiMeshkutane

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Vinchan hiMeshkutane is a character in the Shrine of Petrified Wisdom Tekumel campaign.

Vinchan belongs to the Black Stone clan. He is a priest of Ksarul, in the administrative branch of the temple, with the rank of Su'umel (junior priest/2nd circle). He is from the city of Tumissa, though he has spent time in the countryside as well. He likes to hunt (preferring to use a crossbow to shoot small game), and has a modest but good reputation as someone with keen eye for opportunities for his temple and clan. The Meshkutane lineage within the Black Stone clan is of medium status, at least in Tumissa.

Vinchan has recently been transferred from the Temple of Ksarul in Tumissa to the Shrine of Petrified Wisdom in the remote reaches of the Turina River valley. He is in charge of an expedition of priests sent from the temple in Tumissa to reclaim this lost shrine. His main mission is to re-open the shrine and find ways for it to produce income for the temple in Tumissa.

Vinchan has a servant to assist him on his journey, a young male slave named Usc.