Voodoo PL10

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Alternate Identity: Priscilla KITAEN Group Affiliation: WILDCATS First Appearance: WildC.A.T.S #1 Power Level: 10 (155pp)

Str: 10 (+0) Dex: 15 (+2) Con: 15 (+2) Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 14 (+2) Cha: 17 (+3) Total: 21pp

Base Attack Bonus: 5 Melee: +8 Ranged: +7 Total: 15pp

Base Defense Bonus: 8 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +11 Initiative: +2 Cost: 16

SAVES Damage: +2 Fort: +2 Ref: + 2 Will: +7


THE SIGHT +10[telepathy, extra: control mind (flaw: limited -emotion control), extra: exorcism*, amazing save (will)+5, power stunt: the sight**, flaw: touch; cost: 32pp; source: alien]

  • Exorcism: it's the ability to cancel the possession power. VOODOO must touch the possessed one and the possessor must make a will save like for a mental attack.
    • The sight: works as the true sight feat but for possessed people.

Daemonite Legacy+2[boost (extra: all attributes - physical), extra: natural weapon, flaw: in daemonite form only; cost 6pp; source: alien]

Regeneration+ 5 [extra: regrowth, flaw: regrowth only; cost 20pp, source: alien]

VAUDOO +4[sorcellery, flaw: excluded group (transportation), flaw: concentration; source: mystical; cost: 20pp]

Total: 68pp


Attack finesse, Attack focus (unarmed), Attractive, dodge, Coda Training, improved unarmed strike, Indomitable mind

Coda Training : it's a special feat for Coda warriors, Cole is the only man who know coda martial skills. Coda Training: the coda are fame for their martial skills, you can make an extra attack after a succesful hit against the same opponent or another , only in melee and once each turn [women only except the Grifter]

Cost: 14pp

Skills: Acrobatics +9, Balance +4, Bluff +8/+5 (attractive), Climb +2, diplomacy +8/+5 (attractive), Disguise +7, Gather information +4, Handle animal +3, Knowledge (voodoo)+5, perform +10, profession (dancer) +3, sleight of hand+5

Total: 31pp

Moderate weakness (-5pp): Transformation in daemonite. Only in extrem anger

Grand total: 155pp