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"Vulcan: Demigod of the Forge"

Power Level 14 (210 points)

STR 20/30 (+10), DEX 10 (+0), CON 20/40 (+15), INT 18 (+4), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 12 (+1)

(After slash represents enhanced stats.)

Base stats 36 points.

Toughness +15 (con) Fortitude +17 (con + 2 ranks) Reflex +5 (dex + 5 ranks) Will +10 (wis + 7 ranks)

Base saves 7 points

Base Attack Bonus: +10 Base Defense Bonus: +3

Base combat 26 points.

Skills: Concentration 4 (+7) Craft (Artistic) 19 (+23) Craft (Structural) 19 (+23) Craft (Mechanical) 19 (+23) Disable Device 10 (+14) Disguise 6 (+7) Knowledge (Art) 19 (+23) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 8 (+13) Knowledge (Business) 7 (1) Knowledge (History) 10 (+14) Medicine 6 (+9) Notice 6 (+9) Profession (Artist) 7 (+10) Sense Motive 4 (+7)

Skills 36 points.

Feats: Accurate Attack Artificer Improved Critical (Hammer) Benefit (Invent with Artificer using Knowledge: Art instead of Knowledge: Arcane Lore) Equipment 1 (Workshop) Fearless Improved Block Improved Sunder Improvised Tools Jack of All Trades Luck 3 Minions 7 (Rank 4, Progression 3 - Brass golem constructs) Power Attack Improved Aim Ritualist Skill Mastery (Craft Structural, Craft Artistic, Craft Mechanical, Disable Device) Weapon Break

Feats 25 power points.


Immunities (11 points) Immunity 10 (All heat-based effects.) Immunity 1 (Aging)

Enhanced Stats (47 points) Enhanced Strength 10 (linked) Superstrength 8, PF: Groundstrike (linked) Enhanced Constitution 20

Hammer of the Smith (12 points) Device 4 (easy to lose) Strike 8 (PF: Mighty, Thrown 8, Restricted to those with 26 or greater strength) Enhanced Feats: Quick Draw, Stunning Attack

Shield of the Smith (6 points) Device 2 (easy to lose) Shield 10

Combat: Attack +10, Damage +10 (unarmed), +18 (Hammer) Defense +13 (+2 flatfooted)

Drawback: Disability (lame, base speed 20 ft, 3 pts)

Abilities 36 + Skills 36 (144 ranks) + Feats 25 + Powers 76 + Combat 26 + Saves 14 - Drawbacks 3 = 210 pp