Vulture PL16
This is the Vulture with his suit on, in all previous encounters before certain points with the Vulture would be sans suit (and thus 4 PL lower) working as Norman’s tux wearing bodyguard/enforcer (relying solely on his seemingly endless supply of feather knives to support himself). Even in his wingless form… Vulture is still deadly.
Vulture: (PL 16)
Init +15 ; Defense 27 (21 Flat Footed); Spd 30ft, Flight 75ft.; Atk +7 melee (+16L Razor Wings/ +3 Feather Knives), +11 ranged (+5 Feather Knives); SV Dmg +2/+7 Evasion [Protection +6], Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3; VP: 8; Str 12, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 10
Skills: Acrobatics +14, Balance +12, Bluff +5, Demolitions +8, Disable Device +8, Drive +10, Hide +10, Intimidate +7/+8*, Jump +8, Listen +8, Move Silently +10, Open Lock +10, Sense Motive +8, Spot +8
Feats: Aerial Combat, All-Out-Attack, Attack Finesse, Dodge, Evasion, Far Shot, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Multi-Shot, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Startle, Surprise Strike, Throwing Mastery (Feather Knives), Weapon Focus (Feather Knives), Weapon Specialization (Feather Knives)
- Combat Sense +5 [Source-Training; Cost: 1pp; Total: 5pp]
- Flight Harness +15 [Effect: Flight (Extras: Natural Weaponry (Features: Accurate, Daunting, Parrying), Super-Dexterity +6 (Extras: Deflection; Power Stunts: Deflect-Projectiles +2); Power Stunts: Super-Flight; Flaws: Restricted-Wings), Protection +6 [Extras: Impervious; Features: Reflex, Reflective, Sloped]; Flaws: Device; Source: Super-Science; Cost 1pp; Total 60pp]
- Vulture’s Feather Knives +2 - Weapon [Extras: Auto-fire, Multi-fire; Features: Close Quarters; Gas Venting, Heavy Recoil Compensation, Spring Loaded; Source: Super-Science; Cost 3pp; Total 10pp]