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Name: Ishtri[edit]

Race: Elf[edit]


Agility d6 | Smarts d10 | Spirit d6 | Strength d4 | Vigour d6


Athletics d6 | Common Knowledge d8 | Fighting d6 | Spellcasting d10 | Notice d6 | Occult d6 | Persuasion d4 | Research d6 | Riding d4 | Stealth d4


Arcane Background (Magic)

New Powers

Rapid Recharge


All Thumbs (Minor; Racial) | Can’t Swim (Minor; Campaign) | Cautious (Minor) | Enemy (Minor) | Loyal (Minor) | Mild Mannered (Minor)


Bolt | Conjure Item | Environmental Protection | Healing | Protection


Ishtri grew up in an old library, near a prosperous settlement. Her life was surprisingly comfortable, by wasteland standards. The local community provided her with books, entertainment, and companionship. In return, Ishtri gave them life. She possessed a rare type of magic, that could create food and water from nothing. Thanks to that, the people made sure that she was happy; But also isolated. They were careful to keep a barrier between her and the outside world. Ishtri sometimes wondered why. She eventually learnt the answer, after the community was destroyed.

In reality, her protectors were far from innocent. They were vicious raiders and warlords. Ishtri's parents had been among their victims, back when she was too young to remember. The raiders shielded her from that cruel reality. The books and toys they provided were often torn from innocent hands. Ishtri's pleasant life had come at the cost of others. Eventually, an alliance of other warlords led an assault on her home. Ishtri awoke one day to find the settlement in flames. She gathered what supplies she could, and fled. Only later, after speaking with outsiders, did she discover the cruelties that her 'benefactors' had inflicted upon the area. She resolved to never be exploited again.

Now Ishtri wanders the wasteland. The outside world is harsher than she ever imagined. She dares not settle down in a new town, no matter how nice the place may seem. She only feels safe among a small group of trusted friends. Despite everything, Ishtri tries to look on the bright side. Now she has a chance to actually research things in person, rather than in books. She does her best to be a positive influence on the world. Perhaps some day, she and her companions will find a true place to call home.

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