Warchild (Rise from the Ashes)

(AKA Stray Nine, but only to people who knew him in the military; Ben or Benny to some children; the Blue Ranger, the Half-Penny Hero, the Lonesome Ghost, etc.)
A player character in Rise from the Ashes.
A nameless orphan pressed into service in one of imperial Ezlazir's supersoldier programs. His spec-ops unit, "Blink Dogs", served with distinction for a while, but as the Grand War ground on the things demanded of them got too atrocious to bear, and finally after one particularly FUBARed mission the few surviving members all deserted.
Warchild now wanders the waste land, dodging New Ezlazir bountyhunters and making a living as a mercenary - but he only takes the jobs he feels good about, and only for whatever price those who need him can afford. He hasn't heard from the other Blink Dogs since they parted ways, but hopes they're just better at keeping a low profile.
Power Level: 8
Power Points: Abilities 12 + Defense 30 + Skills 43 + Advantages 4 + Powers 35 = Total 124 (+2 unspent)
Motivation: Doing good.
Enemy: Old and New Ezlazir military command (they execute deserters like me).
Fame: Widely celebrated as a real wandering folk hero...
Infamy: ...but some still remember the war crimes committed by my unit.
Strength 0, Stamina 6, Agility 0, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 0, Awareness 0, Presence 0
Dodge 10, Parry 10, Toughness 6, Fortitude 6, Will 10
Initiative 0
Blink-Fu: close attack +10, Teleport 6, Will resists, DC 20 to notice
Gun: ranged (50/125/250ft) multiattack +10, energy Damage 5, DC 20 to notice
Expertise: Military 10 (+10), Deception 15 (+15), Perception 18 (+18), Persuasion 15 (+15), Ranged Combat: Guns 10 (+10), Stealth 18 (+18)
Attractive, Evasion 2, Uncanny Dodge
Space-Time Awareness:
Senses 3 (direction, distance, time)
Space-Time Manipulation:
Teleport 6 (change direction, change velocity, increased mass 4, precise, subtle, turnabout)
- Alt: Remote Sensing 6 (auditory, visual; subtle 2)
- Alt: Teleport 6 (attack, resisted by Will; accurate 5, affects insubstantial 2, precise, subtle)
Silenced Spec-Ops Sidearm:
Damage 5 (multiattack, ranged, subtle; diminished range, easily removable)
Duffel bag (food and water, a spare shirt, a random book)
Old military greatcoat in recon blue
Pointless shades
Really cool gun