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Character Details[edit]
- Name: 'White Auroch
- Race: Human
- Cults: Foundchild, Long tooth cat ancestor
- Rune Level:
- Initiate: Foundchild
- Lay Member: ----
- Social Condition: Tribal hunter and warrior
- Sex: Male
- Previous Experience: 21, barbarian.
Str: 15', Con: 14, Siz: 10, Int: 18, Pow: 13, Dex: 17, Cha: 13.
- Damage Bonus/Minus: +1d4
- Hit Point Bonus/minus: +0 HPs
- Experience bonus: +18%
- Encumbrance limit: 15 Enc.
Skill Groups[edit]
- Knowledge: +10%
- Animal Lore (50%) 65%
- Evaluate (5%): 15%
- Read/Write Language (00%):-
- First Aid (25) 40%
- Identify healing Plant (10%) 20%
- World Lore (10%)20%
- Predict weather (50%) 60%
- Plant lore(05%) 20%
- Manipulation: +20%
- Buchering (50%) 70%
- Climb (50%) 75%#
- Conceal item (10) 30%
- Dodge (dex x 2%): 60%
- Jump (45%): 65%#
- Throw (25%): 45%
- Map Making (0)0%
- Ride (0)0%
- Swim (45)70%
- Set Disarm trap (30)50%
- Perception: +10%
- Listen (25)%: 45% #
- Sense Predator (10%) 25%#
- Spot Hidden items(10): 65%#
- Spot Trap (10): 60%#
- Track(35%) 80%#
- Stealth: +20%
- Camouflage (40%): 60%
- Hide (55%): 90%#
- Move quietly (15%): 85%#
- Pick Pocket (0)0%
- Communication: +10%
- Bargain (10%): 20%
- Orate (10%): 40%
- Sing (25%):35%
- Speak Votanki. (Int x 5) 99%
- Speak Beast speak 35%
- Speak Tradetalk(Pelorian) 25%
Hit Points and Armour[edit]
Location Name | Armour types | H.P. | A.P. | Enc. | Location |
Head | Hide Hood & Furs | 5 | 3 | .75 | 19-20 |
Left Arm | Hide & Furs | 4 | 3 | .5 | 16-18 |
Right Arm | Hide& Furs | 4 | 3 | .5 | 13-15 |
Chest | Hide & Furs | 6 | 3 | 1.5 | 12 |
Abdomen | Hide Trews & Furs | 5 | 3 | 1.5 | 09-11 |
Left Leg | Hide Trews & Furs | 5 | 3 | .75 | 05-08 |
Right Leg | Hide Trews & Furs | 5 | 3 | .75 | 01-04 |
- Total Hit Points: 14 HP
- ENC 6.25
Weapons and Shields[edit]
- Attack Bonus/Minus: +25%
- Parry Bonus/Minus: +15%
- Strike Ranks: Siz:(2)+Dex:(1)=3
Weapon/Shield Name | Damage | S.R. | H.P. | Attack % | Parry % | Range | Enc. |
2h Long Spear (Iron) | 1d10+1(1d8)+1d4 | 3 | 15 | 45% | 35% | - | 3 |
Bow | 1d6 | 1/7 | 6 | 35% | % | 80m | 2 |
Dagger | 2d4 | 7 | 12 | 50% | 40% | - | .25 |
Spear | 1d8+1d4 | 4 | 15 | 35% | 25% | - | |
IH bronze axe | 1d8+1+1d4 | 7 | 15 | 75% | 65% | - | |
Club | 1d6+2+1d4 | 6 | 20 | 50% | 45% | - | |
Atlatl | +1d6 | 1/7 | 5 | 75% | +10m | ||
Javelin | 1d10+1d2 | 1 | 10 | 35% | 20m | ||
Dart | 1d6+1d2 | 1/7 | 8 | 35% | 20m | ||
Sling | 1d8+1d2 | 1/7 | 50% | % | 80m | ||
Thr Rock | 1d4+1d2 | 1/7 | - | 65% | % | 20m | |
Small Hide Shield | - | 8 | % | 20% | - | ||
Fist | 1d3+1d4 | 7 | arm | 50% | % | 0 | 0 |
Kick | 1d6+1d4 | 7 | leg | 50% | -- | 0 | 0 |
Head Butt | 2d4 | 7 | head | 45% | -- | 0 | 0 |
Grapple | Special | 7 | special | 50% | % | 0 | 0 |
- Power:-
- Current Characteristic POW:
- Current Available POW:
- Current Stored POW: -
- items/heroquest powers
- Spirit One vengeance
- INT:12
- POW:18
- Where Bound:bear claw necklace
- Spirit Two
- INT:
- POW:
- Where Bound:
- Spirit Three
- INT:
- POW:
- Where Bound:
- items/heroquest powers
- Wolverine fetish, gives the use of the fanaticism spell, once per day.
- Battle Magic:
- Bind Spirits 1
- Bladesharp 2
- Detect Enemies 1
- Mobility 1
- Disrupt 1
- Silence 1
- Healing 2
- Rune Magic:
- Sureshot 1
- Weapons:
- Dagger
- Bronze axe
- Stone hatchet
- Flint spear
- Bow
- Iron Spearhead
- Necklace with bound bear spirit (Int 12, Pow 18)
- Father's body
- Other:
- Fire starter
- water skin
- Sling Bag
- Spare flints
- 20 flint arrows
- Skinning knife
- Sleeping fur
- Snow shoes
- Enough food for now.
- Fishing line,bone hooks
- 5 m rope
- Money: