Wasp, The PL8

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The Wasp (Janet Van Dyne); PL 8 (131pp)

Init +3; Spd 30ft (run), 100ft (flight); Defense 15 (1 Base, 3 Dex, 1 Dodge); BAB +1; Atk +1 Melee (0s punch), +20 Ranged (7S/L Wasp Sting); SV Dmg +1, Fort +1, Ref +3 (Evasion), Will +1; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 16 (Total 29PP)

Skills: Bluff 3/+6, Computers 4/+8, Diplomacy 5/+8, Disguise 4/+7, Knowledge: Powers 1/+5, Knowledge: Tactics 3/+7, Profession: Clothier 5/+6, Profession: Lab Assistant 4/+5, Science: Genetics 2/+6, Robotics 2/+6, Physics 1/+5 (Total 17PP)

Feats: Attractive, Dodge, Evasion, Leadership, Heroic Surge, Move-By Attack, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Wealth x4 (Total 24PP)

Powers: Flight +10 (Source: Mutation; Flaw: Limited - Wings; Cost 1pp/Rank, Total 10pp); Shrinking +15 (Source: Mutation; Extras: Super-Strength +1 (Extra: Mighty Might, Stunts: Lifting x3) Energy Blast +7 (Flaw: Touch, Power Stunts: Dual Damage, Stun); Cost 2pp/Rank+21pp; Total 51pp) (Total 61PP)