Wesker, Albert (Resident Evil)
Albert Wesker PL12 190pp
Stats Str 18, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10 (32pp) Dmg +4/+13, Fort +4, Ref +13, Will +2 Defense 27 Base 13 (6pp) Flatfooted 13 Initiative +13 Hero Points 6 Speed 30/60/120 BAB +9 (27pp) Melee +13 Ranged +13 (65pp)
Feats: Dodge, Evasion, Expertise, All-Out Attack, Accurate Attack, Power Attack, Chokehold, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple,
Suprise Strike, Takedown Attack, Darkvision, Durability, Immunity(Disease), Immunity(Poison), Ultra Hearing (32pp)
Powers (80pp)
-Umbrella Enhancements +9 (Super Strength; Extras: Regeneration, Super Dex; Source: Super Science; cost 8pp) (72pp)
-Weapon +6 (Desert Eagle +6L) (8pp)
+Penetrating Attack
Skills: Acrobatics +13 (1), Drive +13 (1), Escape Artist +13 (1), Hide +13 (1), Knowledge (Firearms) +3 (1), Knowledge (Law: STARS Training) +5 (3), Medicine +5 (3), Move Silently +13 (1), Survival (13pp)
Weaknesses (-10pp)
Quirk: Irrational Hatred of the Redfields (-5pp)
Quirk: Loyalty to Umbrella (-5pp)