When the King Comes Knocking:Aleeria

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The probable Mistress of the Entropic Thaumaturge, she is said to reside in Maelbrethyr.

So, the heroes have decided to travel there. Some desire to prevent her from committing further affronts to Forgehome. Others desire revenge against her. Others merely go because she is deeper yet, or because she provides an excuse to search in Maelbrethyr, and so a stepping stone onto their larger goal.

"Thaumaturgy. Foul stuff, controlling the motes that sail the winds of magic. If he's a thaumaturge who hails from Maelbrethyr, chances are his Mistress is one Aleeria Salitzar. She is just as schizophrenic as the rest of the crazies who live there. Passionate and murderous when she's on her hot side. Frigid and aloof like a blasted tundra when she's cold."

The Skald shakes his head.

"If you have business with the Frozen Flame, I do not envy you. Not one bit."

-Originally posted by Chrespo, IC Post #260

Neither was she described charitably by her agent, in one of the Entropic Thaumaturge's diary entries:

"The 231th morning of the 670931th Chainday of our Lord of Pain,

Willing these fungal retards into any semblance of an organization is a mental strain. They don't listen and have such a low capacity for comprehension. I wish I could animate the hands of the dead miners quicker, they are much more useful. That bitch in Maelbrathyr, I wish she had sent me some quaggoths! It is going to take weeks to get all this ore back to her broken tower...

If she'd spend less days and nights torturing herself in 'holy prayer' to Torog, then maybe we'd have been able to topple Forgehome by now. But noooooooooOOOOO, that bitch indulges in her petty vanities. Sending ME, the great Valkarias, to do her petty bidding. Once Forgehome is mine, I will send my handlingers to choke her out. Oh yes, I will have my handlingers choke her, and then her hands will be mine, and I will have them claw her own eyeballs out. Oh yes, soon. So soon."

-Originally posted by Chrespo, IC Post #171