When the King Comes Knocking:Ettercap

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An ettercap is one of a race of bestial spider-men aberrations.

Ettercaps resemble hunched, grey-purplish humanoids with distended white bellies, spider-like faces (fangs and eyes and such), long skinny arms, short stubby legs, and two sharp, black chitinous claws instead of hands and feet. They are not particularly intelligent. Ettercaps possess the capability to shoot sticky webs, can inject a paralyzing poison from their fangs, and have an affinity for spiders. They are cowardly and vicious, and prefer to set traps to ensnare their enemies.

Ettercaps are very fond of spiders and other arachnids and often keep them as others keep bees. From time to time, however, an ettercap has a number of monstrous spiders as pets, which are as loyal to it as a dog to a human master. Aside from their spiders, ettercaps generally live alone (with the exception being an ettercap's mate). Female ettercaps are more intelligent than the males of the species, and may sometimes gain class levels.