When the King Comes Knocking:Radgat

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Radgat's clan is on the decline, an official disfavor levied against them by Forgehome's council. One of his cousins, whose name is now officially stricken from the records, led an insurrection through a cult dedicated to Torog. The uprising failed, and the instigator fled into the deep tunnels. Until he is brought to justice, the taint of suspicion hangs over his clan. They are not allowed to trade within the city, and times are hard.

He was involved in the arrest of Jin several years back. At the time Radgat was part of the city watch and was investigating some suspicious behavior. While Jin was suspected matters could not be proved to be certain and he was released.


Combat Block[edit]

Lvl 4 Dwarf Fighter
HP: 67 Bloodied: 33 Healing Surges: 12 Surge Value: 16
AC: 25 Fort: 21 Reflex: 18 Will: 17
Speed: 5 Initiative: +4 Passive Insight: 15 Passive Perception: 15
Usual Attack Bonus: +13 Usual Damage Bonus: 1d10+8 (Brutal 2)

Ability Scores[edit]

Strength: 18
Constitution: 16
Dexterity: 12
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 10


Athletics- 3
Dungeoneering- 12
Endurance- 9
Intimidate- 8

Acrobatics- 0
Arcana- 3
Bluff- 3
Diplomacy- 3
Heal- 5
History- 3
Insight- 5
Nature- 5
Perception- 5
Religion- 3
Stealth- 0
Streetwise- 3
Thievery- 0


Dwarven Weapon Training (Proficiency and +2 damage with all hammers and axes)
Armor Proficiency (Plate)
Weapon Expertise- Hammers
Devoted Challenge (+Wis to attack and damage with combat challenge attacks)
Thunder Hammer (Targets take -2 penalty to inflicted Dazed, Immobilized, Slowed, Stunned conditions)



  • Resolute Shield (+13 vs AC, 1d10+8 damage(brutal 2), Must be using a shield, on hit gain resist (Con) Vs target UENT)
  • Tide of Iron (+13 vs AC, 1d10+8 damage(brutal 2), must be using a shield, push the target 1 square on hit (if up to 1 size larger), may shift into square target occupied.)


  • Shield Bash (+10 vs Ref, 1d10+6 damage, push target 1 square and knock prone on hit, must be using a shield, may use during charge)
  • Shielded Sides (Utility, must be using a shield; UENT +2 Power bonus to AC and Ref, do not grant combat advantage to flankers)
  • Deflecting Shield (+13 vs AC, 2d10+8 damage (brutal 2), on hit next time target attacks you before ENT, one other enemy adjacent to you suffers (STR) damage)
  • Come and Get It! (+13 vs AC, 1d10+8 (Brutal 2) Close Burst 3 targets enemies you can see. You pull each target to a square adjacent to you. If the target cannot end its movement in a square adjacent to you it is not pulled. You then make a close attack against each enemy adjacent to you.


  • Comeback Strike (+13 vs AC, 2d10+8 damage (brutal 2), on hit may spend healing surge; Reliable)
  • Rain of Steel (Stance, adjacent enemies take 1(W) damage automatically at start of their turn)
  • Vigilant Protector (Utility, Stance, must be using a shield. -1 penalty to AC and Ref, each adjacent ally gains +2 AC and Ref)


  • Weapon- Avalanche Craighammer +1 (Crit- +1d10 damage and knocked prone; Property- when you charge and hit, attack deals extra 1W damage; 1d10 brutal 2 damage)
  • Weapon- Distance Throwing Hammer +1 (Crit- 1d6 damage; property- increase weapons normal range by 5 and long range by 10)
  • Armor- Mythral Armor +2 (Daily- immediate reaction: when ranged or melee attack hits you, take half damage)
  • Neck Slot- Amulet of Protection +2
  • Head- Helm of Opportunity (+1 to Opportunity attack rolls)
  • Heavy Shield
  • Feet - Steadfast Boots (minor encounter power, +2 to all defenses as long as you don't move)
  • Adventurers Kit
  • Climbers Kit