White Box Wanderers

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A game wiki using Charlie Mason's beautiful old-school retroclone, White Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game by Seattle Hill Games. This Wiki page is for storage and journaling of game material for “White Box Wanderers” (WBW) sandbox campaign set in an original fantasy world.


  • Apostlyte playing Dei'mark Ilustrum, Neutral Human Monk
  • Jay O' Bedlam playing Niccolo, Neutral Human Fighter
  • Dorsai playing Torgbar Morduk, Lawful Dwarf Fighter
  • Mitch playing Susanna "Smutty" Longfoot, Neutral Halfling Thief
  • Algebraist playing Owen, Lawful Human Cleric
  • Roryb as the GM

IC thread

OOC thread

Recruitment thread

Marching Order[edit]

May be double file or other.

Rank: L | M | R

Fore — Smutty

Front — Torgbar (L) | Owen (M) | Dei'mark (R)

Second — Drogos (L) | Niccolo (M) | Theia (R)

Third — Eldessa (L) | Smutty* (R)

Fourth — Hemdra (L) | Dolwick (M) | Harus (R)

Rear — Larn (L) | Carbash (R)

* when from "Scout" to "Action" mode

Party Treasure and XP[edit]

XP: 120


  • gold:
  • silver:
  • copper:
  • gems/jewelry
  • other items
    • tomb key (Torgbar)
    • map


Dei'mark Ilustrum, Neutral Human Monk[edit]

played by Apostlyte

Level 1 (119 XP; 2,000 needed; +5%)

S 10; D 15 (+1); C 16 (+1); I 7; W 10; Ch 10; AC 12; HD 1; HP 7; Hit +0; Save 12

Special: unarmed combat (1d6-1), armor class bonus, stealth (2), meditation

Gear: backpack ( 10 / 30 ), flint & steel, lantern, oil (8), dried rations (9 days), waterskin, sling (1d6; 30’), pouch of stones ( 15 / 15 ); 45 lbs. (12 Move)

Niccolo, Neutral Human Fighter[edit]

played by Jay O' Bedlam

Level 1 (119 XP; 2,000 Needed; +5%)

S 15 (+1); D 13; C 7; I 11; W 13; Ch 10; AC 13; HD 1+1; HP 7; Hit +0; Save 14 (+2 vs. death & poison)

Special: Combat Fury

Languages: common, goblin

Gear: leather, shield, hand axe (1d6; 10’), short bow (1d6-1; 50’; RoF 2), dagger (1d6-1), quiver (20), backpack ( 0 / 30 ), trail rations (5 days), waterskin


  • extra gear: hemp rope (4), sack ( 10 / 30 ), sack ( 0 / 30 ), torches (6), bedroll
  • Soldier: Drogos, a Chaotic male Peasant with a spear, dagger, leather armour and a shield. He carries a large belt pouch. 5 HP; AC 12
  • Soldier: Theia, a Neutral female Street Thug with a spear, dagger, leather armour and a shield. 3 HP; AC 13
  • Torchbearer: Hemdra, a Neutral female Anarcho-Syndicalist with a dagger. She hates dogs. 2 HP; AC 10
  • Torchbearer: Dolwick, a Neutral male Servant with a dagger. He has taken an oath of silence. 4 HP; AC 10

Niccolo is a dark eyed warrior with a sly smile on his face. Slender, almost gaunt, he dresses in black leather armour with a dark red jerkin and leggings. A learned mercenary, he comes from a mediocre background but has since rubbed shoulders with many people of knowledge and influence, and he has devised his own unique warped philosophies on getting ahead in life. He leads a motley band of soldiers and servants in his quest for riches. He's currently finessing the fact that he has completely run out of gold with a mixture of charm and bald faced lies, and is itching to get his hands on some loot in order to pay his followers and advance his station in life.

Owen, Lawful Human Cleric[edit]

played by Alegraist

Level 1 (244 XP; 1,500 Needed; +15%)

S 4 (-1); D 13; C 4 (-1); I 8; W 18 (+1); Ch 18 (+1); AC 15; HD 1; HP 5; Hit +0; Save 15 (+2 vs. poison & paralysis)

Special: spells, banish undead

Gear: chain, shield, mace (1d6), backpack ( 0 / 30 ), trail rations (5 days), waterskin, wooden holy symbol, lantern, lamp oil (2), bedroll, flint & steel, shovel, walking stick, 36 gp; 80 lbs. (9 Move)


  • Torchbearer: Harus, Chaotic male Poacher with a shrunken head and a tattoo in strange place. 3 HP; AC 10
  • Soldier: Eldessa, Neutral female Criminal on the run with a light crossbow and a dagger. 4 HP; AC 10
  • Soldier: Larn, Neutral male Escaped convict with a club, a dagger and leather armour. Thinks he should be in charge* 2HP; AC 12
  • Soldier: Carbash, Neutral male Ropemaker with Hand Axe, Dagger, Leather armour & Shield, and a pair of coconuts. 6HP; AC 13

Owen is old, and cranky, and tired of acting as a priest for the younger generation and their newfangled ideas about religion. Tradition matters! This is the way the liturgy has always been given, dammit! (A cynical observer would look at Owen's younger days, when he was something of a revolutionary firebrand, and suspect him of hypocrisy. But he's outlived everyone who remembers his younger days). And he's certainly not inclined to stand around waiting to die of extreme old age. So he's passed the village priesthood onto a younger cleric, and gone off to seek his fate in a dungeon.

Susanna “Smutty” Longfoot, Neutral Halfling Thief[edit]

Played by Mitch

Level 1(19 XP; 1,250 Needed)

S 9; D 10; C 15 (+1); I 12; W 6 (-1); Ch 12; AC 12; HD 1; HP 7; Hit +0; Save 14 (+2 vs. traps; +4 vs. magic

Special: Back Stab, Thievery (2), Near Invisibility, Fighting Giants, Deadly Accuracy with Missiles

Gear: leather, shortbow (1d6-1; 50’; RoF 2), quiver (20), hand axe (1d6; 10’), thieves’ tools, hemp rope, grappling hook, crowbar, backpack ( 10 / 30 ), waterskin, bedroll, sack ( 1 / 15 ), trail rations (2 days); 47 lbs. (9 Move)

Description: Susanna is a 14-year-old tomboy, who comes from a long line of adventuring types. Her uncle Hugo (retired) taught her the tricks of the trade, much to the dismay of her mother, who despairs of her ever finding a decent husband. She earned the nickname "Smutty" from her off-color comments, as well as the dirty smudges that never completely leave her face.

Torgbar Morduk, Lawful Dwarf Fighter[edit]

played by Dorsai

Level 1 (19 XP; 2,000 Needed)

S 13; D 7; C 15 (+1); I 9; W 8; Ch 10; AC 14; HD 1+1; HP 8; Hit +0; Save 14 (+2 vs. poison & death; +4 vs. magic)

Special: Combat Fury, Fighting Giants, Keen Detection, Languages

Gear: Chain, Light Crossbow (1d6-1), Case and bolts for crossbow, Spear (1d6), Dagger (1d6-1), Backpack ( 10 / 30 ), Bedroll, 6 Torches, 2 Waterskins, Flint/Steel, 5 days Trail Rations, 10 gp; 84 lbs (6 Move) or 74 lbs. with dropped pack (9 Move)

Description: Torgbar's first foray into the surface world was somewhat disasterous. Hired on as a bodyguard by a traveling noble, he was not entirely clear on the concept that protecting his employer was his first and foremost goal. During an ambush, he pursued a fleeing attacker rather than staying to defend his employer, leaving the latter unprotected, allowing him to be killed by another foe. This failure discouraged others from hiring him; he now seeks an opportunity to rebuild his tarnished reputation

Delving Chronicle[edit]

The Dancing Hare[edit]

  • In a tavern in Lindham owned by two dwarfs, the heroes encounter a potential danger
  • An inebriated opposing crew behaves poorly; a fight erupts
  • The heroes prevail; the Tinbeater brothers ask the heroes to fetch the Tablet of Grond from a secret tomb
  • The next day, they are offered supplies and head out

Delve 1: The Tomb of Gremuel II[edit]

Entry: 15:00 hours

Light source: oil & lantern (expires end of turn 24)

Turns 1 to 3

  • Entry: containing five statues — that of Gremuel II and the Tinbeater forefathers: Grinan, Kurda, Duri, and Nainan (Area #1)
  • Traps searched; front door closed but left unlocked
  • Group decides to investigate southward leading passage: this goes 50 south ending in a door