William Danfield is the son of a middle-class merchant/broker type who was sent to university to continue the family's climb up the social ladder. At university, he fell into a feud with a senior student named Malista. They each tried to outdo each other in their studies and projects and each one tried to curry more favor with the tenured faculty. Eventually William uncovered damning evidence that Malista had some nefarious connection with the Dwimmer Sisters, but before he could come out with these details she broke the Danfield family secret -- they were cultists of the Transcendence Record! The university, not wanting to draw the ire of the Imperial military or official cult, expelled William and the Bluecoats collected his family and confiscated their property and stores. William has been driven underground and has gathered the few remaining of the faithful around him, returning to his roots and swearing revenge.
Physicker You can Tinker with bones, blood, and bodily humours to treat wounds or stabilize the dying. You may study a malady or corpse. Everyone in your crew gets +1d to their healing treatment rolls.