Winters (Level 1)
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Ancestry: Kholo (Ant Gnoll)
Background: Occult Librarian
Class: Investigator
Languages: Common, Gnoll, Draconic, Goblin, Orcish
Ability Modifiers[edit]
STR +1
DEX +2
CON +2
INT +4
WIS -1
CHA +1
Size: Small
AC 16
HP 18
Class DC 17
Speed 25 ft.
Perception +4
Fortitude +5
Reflex +7
Will +4
Punch: hit +5, dmg 1d4+1 B, Agile Finesse Nonlethal Unarmed
Ancestry: Sensitive Nose
Class: That's Odd, Trap Finder
Skill: Schooled In Secrets
Other Features[edit]
Bite (Kholo)
Clue In
Devise a Stratagem
Expeditious Inspection
Heritage: Ant Kholo
Imprecise Scent
Low-Light Vision
Methodology: Empiricism
Pursue a Lead
Strategic Strike
Acrobatics +2
Arcana +7
Athletics +4
Crafting +7
Deception +4
Diplomacy +1
Intimidation +1
Lore: Academia +7
Medicine -1
Nature +2
Occultism +7
Performance +1
Religion +2
Society +7
Stealth +5
Survival +2
Thievery +5
Dagger, hit +5, dmg 1d4+1 P, Agile Finesse Thrown 10 ft. Versatile S
Dueling Wand, hit +5 (10 shots), dmg 1d6 P, Concealable Concussive Fatal d10
Padded Armor, item bonus +1, Dex Cap 3