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Chupacabra's are diminutive, and have a pale grey-green complected body-surface: of what appears to be something between hide and scale. They stand about four-feet tall, have small bulbous black eyes and teeth. At a on windy nights, Chupacabras have been known will let out an unnerving, distorted screech that carries upon the wind. It is not known if this is intended to jostle the intended pray to, or serve a basic function such as a mating call.


The first accepted instance of a Chipacabra infestation of a farm community occured about 25,000 years ago. They have become more of a problem over time. However, they appear to stick to warmer climets. As such, areas with longer winters tend not to have the problems with infestation that other areas do. Few have ever been found in desert areas, this is probably due to a lack of a sustainable food-source more than anything.


The exact nature of the Chupacabra is a mystery. Sages are devided as to weather or not they are a natural part of the world's ecology. A small number of sages have been lucky enough observe these creatures in the wild. A much smaller number still have been able to capture and experiment upon them. Majority opinion at this time is that they are a natural part of the ecology.

Historically, the sage Herestius, seems to be the loudest detractor from this option. He was able to vivisect several specimens. What survives of his writings suggest that these creatures are the product of overzealous experimentation with Transmutation magic. Unfortunately, authentic copies of his lab journals survive, and almost none have been able to reproduce his fortune of capturing live specimens. Therefore to some at least, the mystery of the Chupacabra is an open one.

What little is known of the Chupacabra ecology is this follows. The Chupacabra have two sexes, and are nocturnal creatures. No young have ever been observed, so almost nothing is known of way in which they develop. It is known that they find the light of day to be painful, and possibly blinding. They are most notorious for their tendency to congregate near agricultural towns and feed on the local livestock. They often feed alone, but sometimes they will do so in packs of three or four. Not surprisingly: this "goat-sucker" is often be attributed to the death of various live-stock, and are incredibly difficult to rout-out and kill.

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