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How to Add a Character[edit]

Each new character adds more depth and compelling drama to Wisrtum, and each contribution is appreciated by the Wisrtum community. Creating a character for Wisrtum is a simple process, that has only a few rules that need to be followed for consistency sake.

NOTE: Please only submit original characters to the Wiki. Do not rip-off obscure (or not so obscure) NPCs from publications or netbooks. Doing so puts RPGNet and Wisrtum at risk, and will likely get you warned or banned.

Character Naming[edit]

You may name your character whatever you wish, as long as you observe the following: Please do not name your character anything intentionally derogatory toward any person or group. Also abstain from the use of expletives, and sexually explicit names.

For example: Detailing the town harlot's character is acceptable, but her name should not be an anatomy lesson unto itself.

Also, though it is fine and modestly encouraged to include puns for a historical, legendary or mythical nature: please avoid completely whimsical names, unless doing so is for the intentional introduction of irony or in-setting historical incident in the game.

For example: naming a high mountain precipice Last Gasp Peak might be fine if this area's back-story includes someone who died of altitude sickness. But, naming a character Bob Bubblehead or Jack Cass is not.

Creating a quality name for a character can be difficult, and sometimes downright frustrating. Many a game player has had the experience of generating statistics and back story for a character, then staring blankly at the Name field of the character sheet. If you have this problem, you are welcome to seek the aid of name-generator. There are are a few good name-generators on the Internet here are some links:

Article Naming Convention[edit]

To create a new character article, all one has to do is to create a link to a blank article and start writing. The accepted way to to this is to name the article as follows Wisrtum:Characters: Character_Name_(Location_If_Desired). Please also do not forget to include the Wisrtum Category in the text of the page so that the character will be indexed properly.

Character Description and Background[edit]

Include as much information about the character as you desire, though it should be more than one-liner. Please do not use game terms in the character's description or background. This should all be flavor text, without any game statistics. At a minimum the following sections should exist: Description, Background, and RPG System Ports; other sections are optional.

RPG System Ports[edit]

Wisrtum exists for the purpose of being a campaign setting that is RPG game-system neutral. That is, its freely available contents are not intended to favor one game-system implementation of the setting over another. Many different RPG game-systems are popular these days, and to favor one over the other is to inevitably exclude a large portion of the RPG-hobby community from making use of the Wisrtum source-material.

To the end of game-system neutrality, the setting is described in plain-English for all to enjoy. To aid players of specific RPG game-systems in making direct use of the source-material, community generated ports of characters, weapons, vehicles, and other plot-devices is encouraged. These ports are segregated from the main content so that the content for a specific RPG game-system to be more easily organized, and indexed. It also helps the RPGNet community at large, and Wisrtum contributors properly comply with the Online Policy of various game companies for the permitted use of their material. It is because of the wonderful products these companies produce everyday that sites like RPGNet, the RPGNet Wiki, and the Wisrtum setting exist, and we want to keep the game companies happy.


If you wish to create FUDGE statistics for characters, monsters, vehicles, et cetera, you are welcome to do so. Simply create a link in the page in question and extend it with _(FUDGE) at the end of the link. Place the content on the page, as you would any other article. Before you save it, add the FUDGE category to the page. This is required for all FUDGE content. It points to a template that includes the requisite About Fudge notice.

GURPS 4e[edit]

If you wish to create GURPS Fourth Edition statistics for characters, monsters, vehicles, et cetera, you are welcome to do so. Simply create a link in the page in question and extend it with _(GURPS4e) at the end of the link. Place the content on the page, as you would any other article. Before you save it, add the GURPS category to the page. This is required to comply with Steve Jackson Games online policy, as it links to the required disclaimers and notices. All GURPS submissions are subject to Steve Jackson Games online policy, not the Creative Commons Share-Alike License.

SRD 3.5[edit]

If you wish to create SRD 3.5 statistics for characters, monsters, vehicles, et cetera, you are welcome to do so. Simply create a link on the page in question and extend it with _(SRD35) at the end of the link. Place the content on the page, as you would any other article. Before you save it, add the srd35-cc template to the page. This template is required for all SRD3.5 content. This template lets people know whatever content incidentally included in the statistics that is already Open Game Content, stays that way, and that all original content of the page is under Creative Commons License. Also, please never refer to SRD3.5 content by its trademark name. Lets not jump through any more licensing hoops that is needed to keep people happy.

Other RPG Systems[edit]

Please discuss the inclusion of other RPG systems to be supported in Wisrtum with the community first. If there is enough interest, and there are no major issues blocking adoption of the proposed system it may be added to this list.