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Dog(Wolf) Boy Operator

Name: Wolf ID# XW-742-1-LS Tattooed behind left ear. Consequently Left Ear has been cut through repeatedly to obscure the barcode leaving behind copious amounts of scar tissue and remnants of a tattoo.

Born in Lonestar, Wolf is one of a frequently reattempted line of experimental Dog Boys. Mutant wolves are often failures because they're too independent for the Coalitions purposes, those that "succeed" though are valuable as they are stronger than their mutant dog compatriots. Wolf... was a failure, his aggressive and independent attitude caused him to be scheduled for destruction before he was even a year old. Fortunately lady luck was watching and he was rescued by a group of Feral Dog Boys and their sympathizers on the way to his execution site. Raised by these freedom fighters Wolf learned to value and respect liberty and freedom, and developed a bit of a hero complex towards Glitter Boys. Because of this he's done everything he can to learn how to build, repair, improve, make, and pilot Power Armors. His goal is to eventually find, improve, and personalize his own personal Glitter Boy armor. While working in Coalition territory subverting their goals, he encountered Yoko who was in need of parts for his Airship, after using his scrounging ability to find what was needed, he decided to tag along on Yoko's trip out west, as things were a bit hotter than he'd like in the CS states.

Alignment: Scrupulous

IQ: 13

ME: 10

MA: 10

PS: 31 + 16 Physical Damage

PP: 19 +2 Parry and Dodge, +2 Strike

PE: 20: +10% coma or death, +3 Magic/poison

PB: 8:

Spd: 27 18.5 MPH

SDC: 115 PPE: 12 ISP Base: 70 HP: 30

Melee Attacks: 5


+4 Initiative

+10 to Perception,

+4 to pull punch,

+2 to disarm,

+2 roll with impact,

+3 strike parry dodge

Base psionic Save: 10 +2

+2 to save vs. mind control, possession, illusions, and curses (additional +3 if magic)

+5 to save vs. fatigue and disease

+6 to save vs. Horror Factor

Psionics: Master Psionic

Sense Evil

Sense Magic

Empathy (Receive only)

Sixth Sense


Machine Ghost

Speed Reading

Total Recall

WP: Ancient: Blunt WP: Modern: Energy Rifle, Energy Pistol, Heavy MD Weapons Body Building Physical Labor Language: American (Native) 88 Language: Spanish (Other) 70 Basic Math 65 Radio Basic 60 Computer Operation 50 Computer Repair 40 Find Contraband 41 Jury-Rig 45 Mechanical Engineer 45 Pilot Robot and Power Armor 71 Pilot Robot and Power Armor Combat Elite (GB) Pilot Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 75 Sensory Equipment 50 Weapons Engineer Electrical Engineer 55 Hand to Hand: Basic Literacy: American 55 Literacy: Techno Can 45 Computer Programming 40 Robot Mechanics 30 Robot Electronics 40 Pilot Related: Weapon Systems 50 Vehicle Armorer 40 Advanced Mathematics 45 Sense Psychic and Magic Energy 40 Recognize Psychic Scent 10 Sense Supernatural Beings 62 Track by Scent 40 Track using Psionics 70 Recognize Common Scent 70 Identify Specific Odor 54

Keen Sense of Hearing

Good Vision 270 Degrees

Sensitivity to Ley Lines (raging headaches etc...)

Super Predator

Nip 2d6 Full Bite 5d6

1. Jury-Rig Repairs: Takes half the time, and the repairs last twice as long.

2. Find Parts and Components: +20% to find parts for M.D. vehicles. Reduce the cost by 30-65%.

3. Recognize Machine Quality: 58%

4. Repair and Soup-Up Machines and Vehicles: Repair completely at a cost of 25% of list price. Replace M.D.C. at 1200 credits/point. Add M.D.C: 0% increase (currently) Maximize Performance: Spd +20%, range +10%, weight -10%, add one extra weapon or feature per body area.


Portable Toolkit Large Toolkit Soldering Iron Laser Torch Duct Tape 2 Rolls of Electrical Tape Pen Flashlight Large Flashlight Dozen Flares 200ft Super Lightweight Rope Couple Knives Notebook Portable Disc Recorder Portable Language Translator Protective Goggles Work Gloves 4 Pairs of Doctors Gloves Backpack Satchel Large Sack Canteen Set of Work Clothes Overalls Utility Belt Air Filter Pocket Note Pad 2 Pens

Weapons Wrench 2d6 SDC

Wilk's 320 Laser Pistol 1d6 MD 20 Shots Range 1000ft +2 to strike on Aimed Shot

Northern Gun NG-L5 Laser Rifle 3d6 MD 10 Shot Range 1600ft

Armor Scrounged Dog Pack DPM 101 Light Riot Armor 33 MDC Body, 11 MDC Arms, 22 MDC Legs Non Environmental

Vehicle Wastelander Motorcycle Max Speed 120MPH Max Range 400MPH MDC: Main Body 60, Tires 2 each

Capital 1700 Credits 10,000 in Black Market Items