Wolf Lord Yngwie's Hiro

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Yngvie's Hirð[edit]

The inner circle of Wolf Lord Yngvie's household comprises the three high priests of the Company, his housecarls (also known as the Brotherhood of the Wolf) and the armsmen who attend him. The priests command great wisdom and they have Yngvie's ear in their field of expertise, but any man in the Company may voice his opinion, provided he does not waste the Wolf Lord's time with foolishness.

Rune Priest - Thorek Stoneface

So named for his stoic, unchanging expression, Thorek's masklike visage is not the result of a lack of emotion, but the utter, total control a psyker must have to bend the roiling madness of the Immaterium to his will. Thorek works closely with Gromril and Hargrimm, his fellow priests, and some say their bond transcends their loyalty even to Lord Yngvie...

Iron Priest - Gromril Iron-Smiter

Brother to Grimnir Iron-Smiter, Gromril is master of the rites of maintenance and weaponcraft within the Company. He is a cantankerous, naggy and meticulous man whom the Blood Claws sometimes dub "mother hen" behind his back, but every senior Battle-Brother knows that they owe their lives to his painstaking care of their wargear.

Wolf Priest - Hargrimm the Bleak

It is the nature of the bearer of Morkai's Fang to be a gruff sort. Hargrimm's role is to preserve the lore and sagas of the Company (together with Thorek), but the task of extracting the geneseed from fallen brothers and enshrining them in legend is his and his alone.

Housecarls - The Brotherhood of the Wolf[edit]

While the three priests are the heads of their respective divisions within the Company and serve as advisors to Yngvie, the Brotherhood of the Wolf is composed of the pre-eminent battle leaders within the Company, the Wolf Guard, and when they are not engaged in the role of Yngvie's honor guard, they are usually leading the younger brothers in battle.

Grey Hunter - Onric Devil's-Eye

Onric wields the boltgun with a skill few others can match; his moniker of "Devil's Eye" comes from campaigns against the forces of Chaos, where he unerringly put blessed psycannon shells through the eyes of summoned Bloodletter daemons and into the weak points of daemonically possessed vehicles and Defilers. His marksmanship is a valuable asset to Yngvie, and while he is given the pick of the Company's armories, he often defaults to his trusty bolter, engraved with runes of accuracy and deadliness, wielding any number of specialized ammunition types so he may bring down any foe he is matched against.

Grey Hunter - Tyutchev, The Man of Stone

His skin as grey as the stone he is named after, Tyutchev is renowned for his iron discipline and grit, which he imparts to all surrounding him. His mere presence speaks of immovability, solidity and reliability; even if the whole world were to fall to howling madness, Tyutchev would still be the single, unchanged point that all others could use as a reference. Unsurprisingly, he acts as the voice of reason among the Brotherhood, though he is also astute enough to know when his advice will fall on deaf ears.

Long Fang - Grimnir Iron-Smiter

Brother to Gromril Iron-Priest, Grimnir's delight in wielding the chapter's heavy weapons belies his status as a Long Fang, and Gromril often rebukes his sibling for excessive use of his weapon and ammunition expenditure. All the same, it cannot be denied that Grimnir has an instinct for the use of the various support weapons of the chapter; he can bring death and ruination to all in his way, though he favors the assault cannon most of all. He is typically clad in Terminator armor to facilitate this, as well as bearing a Cyclone missile launcher on his shoulders to unleash even more devastation on his foe.

Long Fang - Haakon Steelhand

In contrast to Grimnir, Haakon takes a clinical, ruthless approach to the use of force, preferring to set up kill zones in concert with his battle-brothers to trap and destroy the foe between walls of bolt shells and deadly accurate boltgun fire. He is the man to call for the brutal, bloody work of close fire support; his accuracy with indirect weaponry rivals that of Onric's mastery of the bolter. Haakon favors Terminator armor with a chainfist and a heavy flamer. It is said that his heart is warmed only by the sight of the enemy burning alive in promethium-fueled blazes.

Blood Claw Battle Leader - Ursus Kegslayer

Were he any other man, in any other chapter, Ursus would long have been rendered a servitor for his hard-drinking, utter lack of discipline and irreverence. However, Ursus is a Space Wolf and quite possibly the most vicious combatant in the Company, and his feral instincts, undulled by fatigue, intoxicants or distraction, have saved Yngvie from ambushes time and time again. In battle, he is a howling madman like unto the Wulfen themselves; many foes who would think nothing of facing the Emperor's finest in mortal combat find themselves fleeing from the engine of carnage that is Ursus Butcherson. Ursus is quite willing to kill with just about everything he can get his hands on. Having an edge - or indeed, being a purpose-built weapon at all - is simply a nice bonus. That said, when he can get a weapon, he favors the thunder hammer and power sickle wielded in unison

Blood Claw Battle Leader - Heimdall Helmcleaver

In some ways, Heimdall is the closest thing to a proper bodyguard that Yngvie has. Wielding a storm shield and a power axe, Heimdall sticks close to Yngvie's back in battle, preventing cunning foes from flanking them, and when his lord presses the attack in melee, the two of them fall upon their foes in unison, using the brutal tactics of the wolf pack to lay their enemies low. Heimdall is also the kindest of the Brotherhood; he is often a foil for Haakon's more coldblooded methods.

Wolf Scout - Tarvek, Ghost of Fenris

Tarvek assumed the mantle of the Lone Wolf to avenge the demise of his pack in battle. After centuries of solitary combat, he finally managed to bring down the Dark Eldar who had stalked and slaughtered his pack of Blood Claws. But even as he received praise and accolade and admittance to the ranks of the Wolf Guard, the emptiness in his heart remained; now that he had found what he had sought for so long, he realized that it had been the wrong thing after all. Yet, Tarvek feels that service to Yngvie may be the key to finding a purpose again... or a place to die.

Armored Cavalry - Vreta Grayhair

Packmate to Yngvie, the two of them underwent the Trial of Morkai together, rose through the ranks together, even went on their Wolfhunt together. But that was where their paths diverged; Yngvie preferred the company of men, while Vreta favored that of the Fenrisian wolves, and later on, the vehicles of the Chapter. There is virtually no vehicle he does not know how to pilot, and his skill is such that he can pull off maneuvers commonly believed impossible, even for a superhuman Space Marine pilot.