Wolverine PL12

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PL: 12; INIT: +5, DEF: 20/15; Base Speed 30/60/120; MELEE +10, RANGED +10, MENTAL +10. SAVES: DMG +7, FORT +5, REF +5, WILL +5; ABILITIES: STR 14 (+2), DEX 20 (+5), CON 20 (+5), INT 12 (+1), WIS 20 (+5), CHA 14 (+2).
SKILLS: Acrobatics* +10/5, Balance +7/0, Bluff +7/5, Climb +12/5, Demolitions* +6/5, Diplomacy +11/5, Disable Dev* +4/3, Disguise +4/0, Drive* +8/3, Gather Info +5/3, Hide +10/5, Innuendo* +6/0, Intimidate +9/5, Jump +7/3, Knowledge: Tactics +6/5, Knowledge: Espionage +6/5, Listen +15/5, Move Silent +10/5, Search +9/3, Sense Motive +10/5, Sleight/Hand* +7/0, Spot +15/5, Survival +15/5, Taunt +4/.
FEATS: All-Out Attack, Attack Finesse, Blind Fight, Rapid Strike, Durability, Infamy, Takedown Attack, Power Attack, Surprise Strike, Toughness, Scent, Track.
POWERS: REGENERATION +10, [extras: Regrowth, Back From the Brink, Super Senses +5]; Immunity: Disease, Poison; source: Mutation NATURAL WEAPON +5, [extras: Climbing]; source: SuperScience.
WEAKNESS: Berserker [min] - Will save DC 15 or go berserk, Quirk - Doens't know own pas