World Walker

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Twin sons were born to Changing Woman and the Sun God. Monster Slayer and Born for Water were born to the greatest of the First People during the early days of the People (Navajo). The world was filled with monsters and terrible creatures of both this world and the world before. Born into this world, the brothers grew tall and strong. The elder brother, Monster Slayer was named for his purpose and as an Incarnate War God he and his brother wandered the earth. He slew the creatures that preyed upon mankind and created a world where man was the greatest of predators. The brothers went to sleep, their task well done only for a cabal of wicked men to enchant their sleep and hide away their bodies within the Earth. In a dark and sealed place guarded by wicked magics, each slumbered alone. For if the brothers were ever awake and together, no mortal magic could hold them.

It was not until a construction firm accidentally cause a rock slide that Monster Slayer's tomb was uncovered. Rising into the daylight for the first time in ages, he went to greet his father and inquire what he had missed. But he received no answer and after a brief time their was some unpleasantness with men and what they call guns. The translation spell had helped him learn this new language but he had discovered that bullets are quite painful when he was smaller. He had moved towards a city before being confronted by a local hero giving off power and possessing incredible strength. As a Stranger in a Strange land it took time for him to regain his bearing, though the plight of his people fills him with rage. When not fighting evil, he does what he can improve the plight of the Navajo. He does find the concept of casinos amusing, and suspects Coyote has a hand in the invention.

But his awakening has not gone unnoticed. His magic is still not what it might be and he lacks both his artifacts and his brother's help. Those who sense his magic and understand his power know that he will never be any weaker than he is right now. More than that however, for the working of Fate and the Wheel have brought him forth in this new time of creatures and powers. A veritable Monster Magnet, it is as if the world conspires to place such creatures as he worked against in the past into his path.

Character Sheet[edit]


Prowess 7

Coordination 5

Strength 3

Intellect 4

Awareness 4

Willpower 7

Stamina 10

Determination 2

Origin: Birthright


Growth 8 (Limit: Constant, Preparation<Inuk Chuck>)

Wizardry 6 - Magic (Extra: Instant<From Sacrificing Leaping> Limit: Performance <Free>, Situational (At least 15'), Unstable)


Martial Arts

