Worlds in Peril the Leavening

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After the Leavening[edit]

A campaign wiki for a game of Worlds in Peril

Stories from the Leavening

IC Thread

OOC Thread

Recruitment Thread

Campaign Background[edit]

The Leavening

The ships that dipped into the solar system seeded pretty much every terrestrial landmass with a mutagen that caused caused death, madness and occasional exceptional abilties. Post-analysis said that they were generating footsoldiers for some unimaginable conflict, but before most humans were effected the Banthics (as we now call them) lashed out from every ocean deep with psychic/energetic weaponry that vaporized the orbiting ships. One single ship crash-landed in North Africa obliterating Marrakesh. The rapidly slapped-together international force of newly exceptional people that you were part of was just enough to crush the emerging alien crew.

Your units fought hard and about one tenth of you survived and now you are home in Motor City, disbanded and nobody quite knows what to make of you. Many of the other Exceptionals created at the same time as you have become drunk with power, psychotic or are just opportunists making a glorious living for themselves with no conventional power on earth capable of countering them. Meanwhile in Morocco salvaging the wrecked alien craft has generated quantities of destabilizing advanced technology and a horrible free-for-all is still going on.

Not all heroes were spawned by the Leavening, some have always been with us and, like the Banthics, came out of hiding to defend the world against the alien threat. Motor City is still loud and grungy, the air smells of acetone and the promise of prosperity and employment has fled, but there are good people trying to make the best of it and build new lives.

Oh and the Banthics are not talking. They have apparently been around at least as long as humanity, are very different, very advanced and have made it very, very clear that erasing the invading fleet was a matter of swatting an irritant and they want nothing whatsoever to do with us.

Player Characters[edit]

