Wrecker PL12

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The Spider-Man Beyond Wrecking Crew are mystically empowered cyborg’s lead by Elias Franklin, the grandson of the original Thunderball. Having lost his arm in an accident as a child, Elias studied cybernetics and became a master in the field. When he discovered his grandfather’s secret (that he had yet again claimed the Wrecker’s crowbar and kept it hidden in his lab)… he used the metal of the enchanted tool to forge a powerful cybernetic arm. The magical arm not only gave him a new limb… but infused him with phenomenal mystical strength… and he soon learned that he could infuse other cybernetic devices with the same power derived from his endless mystical power source. Taking up “work” as a medic at Riker’s Island, Elias hand selected a crew of crippled criminals to augment into his new Wrecking Crew. Unlike the crew of his grandfather’s day… none in his gang dares question the Wrecker… were he to withdraw his “blessing” they’d all revert to invalids (though it’s doubtful the new Thunderball worries about this). The Crew has begun muscling in on Goblin turf and has even gotten the attention of Osborn who considered putting them on payroll after their unprecedented three consecutive victories over Spider-Man. However, as Malcolm managed (with some help from parker’s spider-bots) to beat the crew in their latest battle… Osborn has retracted his offer. Still, this crew unlike the old one… is no laughing matter… they’re as dangerous as they come.

Wrecker: (PL 12)

Init +6 ; Defense 18 (16 Flat Footed); Spd 30ft; Atk +9 melee (+15S punch), +7 ranged (varies); SV Dmg +6 [Protection +6], Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2; VP: 6; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 14

Skills: Craft-Cybernetics +9, Disable Device +9, Medicine +11, Profession-Cyberneticist +11, Repair +11, Science (Biology, Engineering, Physics) +9

Feats: Assessment, Durability, Heroic Surge, Headquarters, Improved Initiative, Lightning Repair, Penetrating Attack (Unarmed), Power Attack, Rapid Healing, Skill Focus (Profession-Cyberneticist), Talented (Medicine, Repair), Technical Analysis, Toughness

Powers/Cybernetic Equipment:

  • Cyber-Arm - Natural Weaponry +6 [Extras: Shockwave; Power Stunts: Penetrating Attack; Features: Accurate, Daunting, Parrying, Physical Sculpting (+1 Strength); Source: Cyber-Tech; Cost: 3pp; Total: 24pp],
  • Super-Strength + 6 [Extras: Protection, Shockwave; Source: Mystical; Cost: 6pp; Total: 36pp]