Wyrd of the Wanderer - Intro

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On the ragged fringe of an Empire they built their brutal wall and named it for their distant king.

The Clans know nothing of kings. The Clans name it Hammerwall, a stark and fundamental refusal of hard stone and harder men, winding through the foothills of the Hartshorn Mountains like a great stone serpent, blocking the passes and closing the trails into the broad and fertile grasslands of the Clanlands.

On the ragged fringe of an Empire the Clans have been pushed back against the unforgiving peaks of the Hartshorn, back against the broken chasms that crack its sweeping boreal forests, back against the unseen horrors that ride the mists and seep like death from the black and shattered ground.

In the gathering dusk a baby wails and is abruptly silenced, and every man makes sure it is stone beneath his feet and not naked earth.

On the ragged fringe of an Empire you look down on the Hammerwall far below. Manned by the luckless and disaffected, cravens and killers who have fled their lives in disgrace or rage or simple disinterest, the stone edifice bristles with spears and swords.

A thousand thousand horses could never breach that wall.

But a thousand thousand ferrets? Ferrets could slip over, under, and around it with ease and wreak much havoc within.

On the ragged edge of an Empire, beneath the tall mountain pines, you peer through the gathering mists and bare your teeth.

With the setting sun, you will prove your Wyrd against the Wall, become the first of many ferrets to plunder the granaries and store towers of an Empire, weakening it from within, bringing it down under the weight of its own vastness.

It remains only to keep stone underfoot – and to outrun the Wraith.

What the Characters Do[edit]

There are two main focuses for the clan at this time - The enemy that forced them from their beloved plains into the hated Hartshorn mountain range, and the enemy within the mountains that slips from the mists in the night to possess and destroy. The PCs infiltrate the empire to sabotage targets, disrupt factions, sow dissent, etc . . . and to find out what the Empire knows about the Wraith and how to combat the dark spirits that hold their people hostage.

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