Wyrd of the Wanderer - Player 2

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Name: Ceridwen Rank: Seasoned

Race: Human Gender Female HT 6’ 7 WT 167 AGE Unknown XP 20

Wyrd Adept: Wildwarden


Savagery [Strength] d4

Reflexes [Agility] d6

Grit [Vigor] d4

Cunning [Smarts] d6

Wyrd [Spirit] d10

Derived Stats[edit]

Charisma 2

Pace 6 [+1d6 running]

Parry 6

Toughness 4 + 1


  • Fighting d6
  • Investigation d6
  • Notice d8
  • Persuasion d10
  • Stealth d6
  • Survival d8 +2
  • Wyrdweaving d10


  • Wyrd Adept: Wildwarden
    • Stonefist
  • Alertness
  • Arcane resistance
  • Beast Bond
  • Beast Master
  • Hard to kill
  • New Power

Beast Bond[edit]


An extremely venomous black viper that can be seen coiling its way around Ceridwen’s arms and legs, through her cloak, and in her hair. Preferring to remain nestled inside her cloak, Morfran will emerge and strike at Ceridwen’s bidding.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d4

Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d12

Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 2

Special Abilities:

  • Bite:Str.
  • Poison
  • Quick: Snakes are notoriously fast. They may discard Action Cards of 5 or lower and draw another. They must keep the replacement card, however.
  • Size –2: Most venomous snakes are 4-6’ in length, but only a few inches thick.
  • Small: Anyone attacking a snake must subtract 2 from his attack rolls.


Nature is red of tooth and claw. The heart of the Wildwarden is the heart of beasts and trees, and he is a vicious protector of his people. The power of the Alpha radiates from the Wildwarden and he adds +2 to his charisma. He also gains an additional +2 to reactions from both wild and domestic beasts, who view him as an actual alpha of their own species (if not their particular coterie, pack, or herd).

Finally, Wildwardens gain the bonus edge Stonefist [replaces martial artist] for free.

Wildwardens often take on aspects of a particular plant or beast or environmental feature when manifesting their powers.

Uses: 4

  • Entangle
  • Burrow
  • Beast Friend
  • Shape change
  • Summon Ally
  • Wall Walker


Halberd (savagery + 1d8)

Dirk (savagery + 1d4)

Leather (+1)

50 gold


Not much is known about Ceridwen. Most of the clan believe that her name was adopted later in life, certainly no child in living memory had been born with it. Some remember a young girl, dark hair, red eyes, sitting alone, humming to herself softly as she rubbed tears from her face. No, that girl was surely born too long ago to be Ceridwen of the forests. Those few that do remember the girl forget when they stopped seeing her. A girl there, and then suddenly not. A flattened patch of grass where she had been sitting, grass still glistened with her fallen tears, like dewdrops. Years later and a woman emerges from the forests, tall and proud, a soot-black viper coiled around her neck. Ceridwen she called herself as she opened her cloak, her hands rough, like bark, with a strange green hue and pointed fingernails. She told the clan of how she had been far, how she had met imperial soldiers. Those whom she had not convinced to live a life free of the empire, were left poisoned, foam at the mouth, or half buried in the earth, strangled by vines.

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