X-Men Unnatural Selection: Janice Donovan

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Janette Alice 'Janice' Donovan[edit]

AKA: Knockout

History: Janice - well, technically, Janette was a cheerleader wannabe. And a ballet wannabe, and a gymnast wannabe. And she was well on her way to getting them, when her mutant powers manifested in the middle of a leap. With a little help from a bald man in a wheelchair, everyone was convinced that it was just an overtensioned springboard, and she got invited to his Special School. Her parents know what's up, and are grateful - at the very least because they didn't have to pay for the damages.

Personality: Janette is perky-ish. She's no Kathy Lee Gifford or Rachel Ray, but she tends to see life on the sunny side. Finding out she was a Mutant was a bit of a shock, but she hasn't let it get her down. Even after finding out that she could shatter school buildings, she prefers to talk things out when she can. But beneath that 'cheerleader' exterior there's also the gymnast / ballerina wannabe - the one who knows it's hard work and isn't about to stop until she gets where she's going.

Abilities & Resources: Janette is strong. Even without her psionic boost (which she doesn't really realize is happening) she's strong enough to pick up cars, and generally as tough. With it, she can toss cars, and ignore a lot of attacks. She can also jump - really, really, well.

Affiliations Solo D8 Buddy D10 Team D6


Too pretty to be that buff

Can't we talk about this?



Acrobatics Expert

Psych Expert


Psionic Superstrength

Superhuman Strength D10 Superhuman Durability D10 Superhuman Leaping D10

SFX: Unleashed: Step up or double a Psionic Superstrength power for one action. If the action fails, add a die to the Doom pool equal to the normal rating for the power.

Limit: Mutant

Limit: Exhaustion

Mutant Physique

Enhanced Strength D8

Enhanced Durability D8

Limit: Mutant

Limit: Lockout: Mutant Physique powers are only available if Psionic Superstrength are shut down.


Keep a lid on it.

X1: When you try to talk down a fight rather than escalate or respond with force.

x3: When you rush into conflict without talking; or when you try to talk down a conflict already in process.

x10: When you unleash your full potential against a foe.