XCOM - The Beginning/Characters/Frank Bold
Frank Bold
Frank is an older white American male. He carries a few extra pounds, a few gray hairs, and a company issued set of gear. Nice guy to know, nice guy to have guarding your back. He wears a simple gold wedding band.
Str 14 +1
Int 14 +1
Wis 13
Dex 16 +1
Con 16 +1
Cha 11
Background: Soldier
Combat/Proj, Combat/Unarmed, Culture/Middle East, Tactics
Training Package: Army Atheltics, Combat/Proj (1), Combat/Unarmed (1), Combat/Primitive Weapons, Leadership, Tactics, Vehicle/Land, Stealth,
Hobby: Profession: Scuba diver
Languages: English, Esperanto
Level 1 Warrior
9 HP
Attack Bonus +1
Phys Effect 12
Mental Save 15
Evasion 14
Tech 16
Luck 13
Glock 21, 4 mags (Trask)
SMG, 4 Mags (Trask)
$5000 personal in cash
Radio (Trask)
Body Armor (Trask)
Uniform and harness (Trask)
Frank is connected to a lot of people at a social level, comes from growing up in institutions. His parents are dead, most of his extended family is as well. He's not gregarious but easy to get along with. Most won't notice he wasn't there but many might say a prayer if he died.
His ex-wife and daughter live in Texas, his recent and much longer married wife was killed last year by a drunk driver. He still wears his wedding band.