XCOM - The Beginning/Characters/Theodore Reyes

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Theodore Reyes, Level 1 Expert
Score Mod
Strength 10 Attack Bonus 0
Intelligence 15 +1 Physical Effect Save 16
Dexterity 13 Mental Effect Save 15
Wisdom 11 Evasion Save 12
Constitution 11 Technology Save 11
Charisma 14 +1 Luck Save 14
Max Current
Hit Points 6 6 Armor Class 9
Psi Points (vs tech 3+) 9
System Strain
Weapon AB Damage Range Ammo
Glock 17 Semi-Auto 0 1d6+1 30/100 17
Taser 0 1d8 (stun) 10/20 2
Unarmed 0 1d2 - -
Skills Level Class?
Profession/Police 0 Y
Tactics 0 N
Security 0 Y
Bureaucracy 0 Y
Culture/Criminal 0 Y
Perception 0 Y
Science 0 Y
Tech/Medical 0 Y
Vehicle/Land 0 Y
Tech/Mechanical 1 Y
Computer 0 Y
Combat/projectile 0 hobby
Appearance Late 20s, dark haired, tall but still a bit gangly. Wears plain button-up t-shirts and khakis or slacks. On the job he will begrudingly put on a tie.
Gear Glock Ammo clip (3), Woven Body Armor, smart phone, handcuffs or zip-ties
$ 8000
Background notes Theodore Reyes is a detective with the cybercrimes division of the local constabulary. He had always been something of a tech geek, but he'd also dreamed of following his father's footsteps and having a career in law enforcement. Fortunately, the world obliged him, with the increasingly computer-centric nature of society leading to a corresponding increase in computer crime. After college, he became a police officer and spent several years as a beat cop before making detective.

Theo is diligent and clever, perhaps at times too much so for his own good. He isn't the most physically imposing person, nor a particularly good brawler, but he gets by with a combination of charm, technical know-how, and standing behind guys who are much better hurting people than he is.

Theo is an only child, with two parents retired in Flordia. He has a variety of cousins, although none especially close. He has several friends from college who he keeps in touch with even though many have moved, and he has good working relationships with the rest of his departments and other professionals around the country. (Or he did until Recent Events.)