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Basic Stats[edit]

Characteristics: Int +1, Per +3, Pre -2, Com +1, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex 0, Qik 0
Size: 0
Age: 24
Decrepitude: Unknown
Flaws: Scarred
Virtues: Unknown
Personality Traits: Loyal +3
Appearance: Xavier is the loyal manservant and constant companion of the Jerbiton magus Abu Yusuf. He is tall and wiry, with lanky dark hair that hangs in a slightly unkempt mop covering up much of his face. This is fortunate for most, because in his younger life, Xavier was badly afflicted with the pox and is horribly disfigured as a result of that experience. Xavier rarely speaks except to his master, even when directly addressed (usually he looks to his master to respond on his behalf, which he does), but is a tireless worker and an eager and perceptive servant for the old magus. He has a tendency to fade into the background while remaining present at all times. The other magi of Cotes-du-Vent have learned that Abu Yusuf's unbreakable confidence in the safety of sensitive matters discussed around Xavier is well earned.

Known Abilities (filled in as discovered)[edit]

Arabic 3
Area Lore (Perpignan) 5
Animal Handlling 4
Artes Liberales 7
Catalan 4
Etiquette 3
French (Langue d'Oc) 4
Hermes Lore 2
Latin 2
Magic Lore 1
